Research Professional II Clay Delancey is a Research Coordinator in the Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources. One of his main projects is examining Ruffed Grouse abundance and genetic connectivity across the North Georgia mountains where grouse are at the southern periphery of their range. On this project we examine abundance using roadside drumming surveys and acoustic recording units, and we are collecting samples of grouse from hunters and drumming logs to perform genetic analyses, which can tell us if grouse in Georgia are becoming isolated. His main research interests involve habitat preferences and movement ecology of birds. He initially became interested in birds during undergrad when he began bird banding and nest searching, and in the process became an avid birdwatcher. When he’s not birdwatching, he enjoys spending time outside with his dog, fishing, hiking, camping or baking something delicious. Education Education: M.S. Biology (Ball State) B.S. Wildlife and Fisheries Science (Penn State) A.S. Wildlife Technology (Penn State) Research Labs/Centers/Committee: Dr. Chandler Applied Ecology Lab Bothwell Landscape Conservation Genetics Lab Research Interests: Dr. Richard Chandler's Lab (Spatial Population Dynamics)Dr. James Martin's G.A.M.E. Lab Facebook Instagram