This is a recording of the "Recent Advances in Freshwater Mussel Conservation and Biology Research" seminar by Dr. Peter Hazelton, Assistant Professor of Aquatic Ecosystem Health at UGA's Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources. The seminar was hosted on Mar. 13, 2025, as part of the… Read Article
This is a recording of the Warnell Town Hall meeting held on March 10, 2025 by Dean Todd Petty.
This is a recording of the "Forest pathology in exotic plantations: perspectives from the Southern Hemisphere and Tropics" seminar by Dr. Irene Barnes, Professor of Genetics at the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute at the University of Pretoria. The seminar was hosted on Feb. 27… Read Article
This is a recording of the "Thirsty Forests: Decoding their Stress and Mortality" seminar by Dr. Mukesh Kumar, professor of hydrology and water resources at the University of Alabama. The seminar was hosted on Feb. 20, 2025, as part of the Warnell Seminar Series.
The University of Georgia’s Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources has appointed Dr. James Beasley as the Terrell Distinguished Professor of Wildlife Management, following approval by the University System of Georgia Board of Regents in January 2025.
Since joining UGA’s faculty… Read Article
This is a recording of the "Connecting Human and Environmental Histories in Mediterranean Tree-Ring Records" seminar by Dr. Brita Lorentzen, assistant professor at UGA Department of Anthropology. The seminar was hosted on Feb. 6, 2025 as part of the Warnell Seminar Series.
This is a recording of the "Everybody loves a big, old tree, right?: Then why can't my job be easy?" seminar by Dr. Sarah Adloo, Executive Director of the Old-growth Forest Network. The seminar was hosted on Jan. 30, 2025 as part of the Warnell Seminar Series.
Students map creativity into final projects
In the world of academia, final exams are often the stuff of nightmares. But for students in Dr. Tripp Lowe’s "Spatial Analysis of Natural Resources" course at Warnell, the last hurdle of the semester is anything but mundane. Instead of bubbling… Read Article
This is a recording of the Integrating Criminology and Conservation Science: Applications and Future Research seminar by Dr. Dylan Spencer. Dr. Spencer is an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Georgia Southern University and specializes in conservation-related crime. He… Read Article
When Georgians woke on the morning of Sept. 27, they were greeted not by the usual gentle rustle of pines but by an eerie silence. In the wake of Hurricane Helene, sprawling forests that once stood as symbols of resilience and prosperity lay broken and quiet.
The historic storm carved a… Read Article
Community Forestry and Arboriculture
Fisheries Science
Forest Biology
Environment and Education
Forest Business
Geospatial Information Science
Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management
Policy and Sustainability
Water and Soil Science
Wildlife Science
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