Graduate student Royce Dingley starts each day by sampling a science project.
Better known as a cup of hot coffee, it’s made from beans he roasts at home, using a DIY setup that involves a used bread machine, a heat gun and an infrared thermometer. Too much heat and the beans are burnt;… Read Article
Along with flooding, droughts and pests, farmers must contend with another large, smelly problem: feral hogs. Every year, Georgia farmers are left with millions of dollars in losses thanks to damage done by these animals. Across the country, according to the USDA, wild… Read Article
Not long after she began her role as marine fisheries chief for Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Coastal Resources Division, Carolyn Belcher faced a big problem.
Specifically, a 70,000-ton problem.
When the cargo ship MV Golden… Read Article
Erin Buchholtz spoke as part of the Warnell Seminar Series.
It was almost a challenge.
Brooks Mendell had just earned his Ph.D. and was starting as a professor at Warnell when one of his committee members asked a tongue-in-cheek question: “How does it feel to be the world expert in… Read Article
When a GPS collar drops off of a jaguar, you have to go find it. Often, this means hiking through brush until you stumble upon it in the woods. But for Wezddy Del Toro Orozco, a doctoral student in the University of Georgia Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, this meant a… Read Article
Community Forestry and Arboriculture
Fisheries Science
Forest Biology
Environment and Education
Forest Business
Geospatial Information Science
Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management
Policy and Sustainability
Water and Soil Science
Wildlife Science
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