Fertilizers and herbicides have been applied to 500,000 to over 1,500,000 acres annually in the southeastern United States over the last 50 years. Thinned loblolly, longleaf and slash pine stands often respond to a woody competition control treatment and/or a fertilizer treatment. Deciding which… Read Article
Oak dominated forest types occupy 51.1% or about 12.4 million acres of Georgia’s 24.4 million forested acres. Oaks are some of our most important tree species as their acorns provide a food source and shelter for many wildlife species, the timber is among the most valuable of any tree species,… Read Article
CJ Tsai, W.N. “Hanks” Haynes Professor in Forest Biotechnology and Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar at the University of Georgia, has been a named a recipient of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Scientific Achievement Award.
Given only every five… Read Article
J. Todd Petty, chair of the department of forestry and environmental conservation at Clemson University, has been named the next dean of the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources at the University of Georgia.
“Dr. Petty brings a distinguished record as a researcher, educator… Read Article
A project to decode the genome of aspen trees has revealed a new wrinkle in how chromosomes are constructed—and it may have larger evolutionary implications, according to researchers at the University of Georgia. Using new, high-powered sequencing and assembly technologies, Ran Zhou, a… Read Article
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