Study the ecology and health of waterways—whether that's a pond, lake, river, or ocean. With Georgia's variety of habitat and aquatic life, students learn from a variety of experiences and ecosystems. Research projects span from the eastern coast to the Gulf of Mexico and up inland waterways throughout the Southeast and incorporate strong partnerships on campus and with state and federal agencies. Faculty projects include: Sturgeon Mussels Aquaponics and aquaculture Algae and algal blooms Graduate Degrees in Fisheries Science Areas of concentration include fish ecology, fisheries management, population dynamics, aquaculture, fish physiology, and aquatic toxicology, and harmful algae. These areas are strongly supported by other programs on campus, including the Odum School of Ecology, the Georgia Sea Grant Program, the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, the U.S.G.S. Biological Resources Division, Georgia Cooperative Fisheries and Wildlife Unit and Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. Students completing graduate degrees in Fisheries Science are prepared for employment in academia, federal and state agencies, and in the private sector. CURRICULUM Fisheries Science can be pursued under the MNR, MS, and PhD degree programs. To pursue Fisheries Science as an official area of emphasis (MNR only), the following courses are required: Course ID Name Hours* Required: FISH 7360/L Fish Management 4 Electives: FISH 4500/L Fish Physiology 4 FISH 6600/L Sustainable Aquaculture 4 FISH 6650L Georgia Fishes Field Study 4 FISH 7980 Fisheries & Aquaculture Problems 1-3 FISH 8300 Fisheries and Wildlife Seminar 1 FISH 8350 Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology 3 FISH 8400 Advanced Fish Ecology & Conservation 3 *Total of 9 hours required for area of emphasis Questions? For general questions about pursuing a graduate degree at Warnell, contact a member of the graduate team: Dr. Kyle Maurice Woosnam, Graduate CoordinatorOffice: 1-301APhone: 864-653-0167Email: Kate deDufour, Graduate Program AdministratorOffice: 1-217Phone: 706-542-1183 Prospective students should also contact faculty members for questions specific to this disciplinary area. Please check faculty members’ personal pages for information about their individual research interests and projects to ensure that you are contacting the most relevant ones.