About half of all Warnell students transfer to UGA—you are not alone, and this page is for you! Where to start? Regardless of status, all students wishing to enter Warnell must apply to UGA through Undergraduate Admissions. Please note these minimum GPA requirements for transfer students: Students must have completed a minimum of 30 hours to be eligible to transfer to UGA. 30-59 transferrable hours - 3.3 or higher transfer GPA required 60+ transferrable hours – 3.0 or higher transfer GPA required PLEASE NOTE: Minimum GPA requirements are subject to change at any time. Please check with Undergraduate Admissions for the most current information on transfer requirements. Application Process Apply early. UGA application deadlines are early and strictly followed. Complete, submit and pay for the Transfer Student Application through Undergraduate Admissions. Be sure to indicate "Forestry and Natural Resources" as the school/college in which you plan to enroll. Submit transcripts from all colleges and universities attended. Official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended, including work completed through joint or dual enrollment programs, study abroad programs, or as a summer transient or other such program should be sent directly to Undergraduate Admissions by the issuing institution. Transfer of Credits Taking the pre-professional coursework elsewhere? Contact the student recruitment and outreach coordinator at wrecruit@uga.edu or view the Transfer Equivalency Website to verify transfer credit. UGA Transfer Orientation Transfer students accepted to UGA must attend UGA Transfer Orientation, where they will be advised and will register for classes. UGA Office of Transfer Services UGA’s Office of Transfer Services is dedicated to supporting transfer students from start to finish. They provide guidance on transfer inquiries, lead university-wide initiatives to help transfer students succeed, and offer professional development on transfer policies, resources, and advising strategies. Their goal is to make the transfer process smooth and ensure students feel supported throughout their journey at UGA. Learn more at: https://transfer.uga.edu/. Professional vs. Pre-professional Warnell admits students in two categories: pre-professional and professional students. Pre-professional students are students who are taking pre-professional core curriculum courses either at UGA or at other institutions and have not met the entrance requirements for the professional program. Professional students are students who have been accepted into the professional program after completing the entrance requirements. Some major-level courses are restricted to students in the professional program. To enroll as a professional student, you must also apply for the professional program. About Warnell's core curriculum The core curriculum consists of 60 semester hours plus one hour of physical education. This meets the University Core Curriculum requirements. It may be completed at the University of Georgia or at other institutions. If you are starting UGA as a first-year student, or are transferring from a non-University System of Georgia school, these are the courses you need to take: Required courses for Fisheries and Wildlife, Forestry, and Natural Resource Management and Sustainability UGA Course Course Title Hours Notes ENGL 1101 English Composition I 3 ENGL 1102 English Composition II 3 MATH 1113 Precalculus 3 MATH 2200 or 2250 Calculus 4 Pre-Vet Wildlife Sciences students are not required to take MATH 2200 or 2250 STAT 2000 Statistics 4 Alternatives: BIOS 2010 or FANR 2010-2010L or BUSN 3000 CHEM 1211+L Chemistry I + Lab 4 CHEM 1212+L Chemistry II + Lab 4 BIOL 1107+L Biology I + Lab 4 BIOL 1108+L Biology II + Lab 4 ECON 2106 Microeconomics 3 Preferred; may use another approved social science elective instead POLS 1101 American Government 3 Preferred; may use another approved social science elective instead HIST 2111 or 2112 American History I or II 3 Preferred; may use another approved social science elective instead COMM 1110 Public Speaking Alternatives: AGCM 2200 or FANR 3950 Humanities/arts elective 3 May be a free elective if COMM 1110 is taken. Must be a humanities/arts if AGCM 2200 or FANR 3950 (3 hours) is taken instead. Free elective This is any course with degree credit 3 Pre-Vet Wildlife Sciences students must take PHYS 1111+L (Physics I, 4 hours) as their free elective* as well as CHEM 2211+L (Organic Chemisty I) *Please see the UGA Bulletin New General Education Core Curriculum for elective options. Required courses for Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management UGA Course Course Title Hours Notes ENGL 1101 English Composition I 3 ENGL 1102 English Composition II 3 MATH 1101 or 1113* Introduction to Mathematical Modeling or Precalculus 3 STAT 2000 Statistics 4 Alternatives: BIOS 2010 or FANR 2010-2010L or BUSN 3000 CHEM 1110+L, 1210, or 1211+L Elementary Chemistry + Lab, Basics of Chemistry, or Chemistry I + Lab 4 BIOL 1103+L/BIO 1104+L or 1107+L/1108+L Organismal Biology + Lab or Biology II + Lab 4 ECON 2106 Microeconomics 3 Preferred; may use another approved social science elective instead POLS 1101 American Government 3 Preferred; may use another approved social science elective instead HIST 2111 or 2112 American History I or II 3 Preferred; may use another approved social science elective instead COMM 1110 Public Speaking 3 Alternatives: AGCM 2200 or FANR 3950 ANTH 1102, GEOG 1101, INTL 1100, FANR 1100 (or 1100E), or NRRT 1100E Anthropology, Human Geography, International Affairs, Natural Resource Conservation, or Introduction to Tourism 3 Three world language/culture electives 9 One of these electives may be a free elective if ANTH 1102 or GEOG 1101 is taken Humanities/arts elective 3 May be a free elective if COMM 1110 is taken. Must be a humanities/arts if AGCM 2200 or FANR 3950 (3 hours) is taken instead. Free elective This is any course with degree credit 3 *If you take MATH 1101, you must take STAT 2000 or BIOS 2010 in Area IV. If you take MATH 1113, you can take STAT 2000, BIOS 2010, FANR 2010-2010L, or BUSN 3000 for Statistics or Biostatistics.