Professor, Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management (PRTM) Director of the UGA Tourism Research Lab Dr. Boley’s research focuses on sustainable tourism development and how the unique natural and cultural resources of communities can be protected, packaged, and marketed to jointly increase sustainability, resident quality of life, and a community’s competitiveness as a tourism destination. Dr. Boley has published over 85 academic articles and is on the editorial board of three of the topic tourism journals including the Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Management, and Journal of Sustainable Tourism. He is a diehard Georgia Bulldog fan, a deacon at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Athens, GA, and loves camping and hiking with his family. Awards, Honors and Recognitions: Editorial board member of the Journal of Travel Research Editorial board member of the Journal of Sustainable Tourism Editorial board member of Tourism Management Education Education: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA Ph.D. in Hospitality and Tourism Management, Pamplin College of Business, July 2013 University of Montana, Missoula, MT M.S. in Recreation Management, College of Forestry and Conservation, 2009 University of Georgia, Athens, GA B.S. Major: Natural Resource Recreation and Tourism (NRRT). Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, 2006 B.S. Major: Forestry, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, 2006 Research Selected Publications: Magnini, V., Rumbaugh, E., Quendler, E., & Boley, B. (Accepted) State of Incentivizing Property-Level Environmental Sustainability in the U.S. Hotel Industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management. Accepted on January 9, 2025. Van Buskirk*, A., Boley, B., Killmaster, C., Johannsen, K., & D’Angelo, G. (Accepted). Drivers of Hunter Satisfaction and Compliance with Mandatory Harvest Reporting. Wildlife Biology. Accepted on November 13, 2024. Van Buskirk*, A., Boley, B., Killmaster, C., Johannsen, K., & D’Angelo, G. (Accepted). White-Tailed Deer Hunters’ Perceptions of Harvest Reporting Systems: An Importance-Performance Analysis. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. Accepted on December 7, 2024. Boehne*, S., Boley, B., Van Buskirk, A., Goode, K., Killmaster, C., Johannsen, K., & D’Angelo, G. (Published Online). Strengthening Urban Deer Management with Structured Decision Making. Wildlife Biology. Rahman*, S., & Boley, B. (Published Online) What Does Personality Tell Us about Travellers’ Social Media Use, Social Return and Travel Intentions? (Research Note) Current Issues in Tourism. Perren*, C., Boley, B., White, E., Green, G., & Woosnam, K. (Published Online). Connecting the dots between Protected Area Management and Resident Support for Tourism: A Case Study of the Pisgah National Forest in Transylvania County, North Carolina. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. Smith*, K, R. Faust, Boley, B.B, D'Angelo, G.J. (2025). Application of Self-Determination Theory to Wildlife Disease Risk Communication. Society & Natural Resources. 38(1), 19-35. Smith*, K, Boehne*, S., Boley, B.B, DeAngelo, GJ D'Angelo. (2024) Ecological Dominance Orientation as a distal predictor of Wildlife Value Orientations and Support for Lethal Wildlife Management. Environment & Behavior. 56(1-2), 94-119. Fowler, B*, Green, G., & Boley, B. (2024). Integrating Importance Performance Analysis into Transboundary Natural Resource Management of Water Trails: Case Study at the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area & Water Trail. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism. 47, 100800: 1-11 Santos*, E., Pereira, L., Pinto, P., Boley, B., Ribeiro, M. (2024). Imperialism, Empowerment, and Support for Sustainable Tourism: Can residents become empowered through tourism in an imperialistic tourism development model? Tourism Management Perspectives. 53, 101270 Rojas*, C. Boley, B., Mach, L., & Abrams, J. (2024). Expanding Protected Areas: A Case for Repairing Intergenerational Social Capital Rather than Taking the Path of Least Resistance. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 32(10), 2098-2117 Yeager, E., Boley, B., & Woosnam. Non-Hosting Residents’ Emotional Solidarity with Peer-to-Peer Accommodation Hosts. (2024) Current Issues in Tourism. 27(17), 2703-2708. Van Buskirk*, A., Boley, B., Killmaster, C., Johannsen, K., & D’Angelo, G. (2024). Does Survey Branding Matter for Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Research? A case study of university- and government-branded surveys (Research Note). Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 24(4), 446-545. Boley, B., Woosnam, K.. & Jordan, E. (2024). Animosity, Social Return, and Intent to Travel. Journal of Travel Research. 63(7), 1657-1670. Boehne*, S., D’Angelo, G., Van Buskirk, A., Goode, K., Killmaster, C., Johannsen, K., & Boley, B. (2024). Urban Deer Management Status within the United States: A Synthesis of State Wildlife Agencies’ Urban Deer Management Resources. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. 11, p. 59-66. Russell*, Z., & Boley, B. (2024) What would you sacrifice for the 'gram? Developing and testing the Social Media Sacrifice Scale (SMSS). Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. 41(5), p. 689-704. Santos*, E., Pereira, L., Pinto, P., & Boley, B. (2024). Development and validation of the new Resident Empowerment through Tourism Scale: RETS 2.0. Tourism Management. 104(October), 104915. Huang, T., Jordan, J., Boley, B., Woosnam, K., Xiao, X., Maruyama, N., & Rojas, C (2024). Rebuilding international tourism: Using Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions to Identify Markets with Lower Pandemic-Related Travel Risks. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management. 31(March), 100855. Perren*, C., Boley, B., Green, G., & White, E. (2023). Fad or Renaissance? Motivational and demographic characteristics of USDA Forest Service recreationists during and after the pandemic. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism. 44 (100700), 1-11 Li, Xiangping, Boley, B., & Yang, F. (2023). Resident Empowerment and Support for Gaming Tourism: Comparisons of Resident Attitudes Pre- and Amid-COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. 47(8),1503-1529. Boley, B., & Jordan, E. (2023). Leveraging IPA Gap Scores to Predict Intent to Travel (Research Note). Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. 57, 97-101. Boley, B., Jordan, E., Woosnam, K., Maruyama, N., Xiao, X., & Rojas, C*. (2023). Buttressing Social Return’s Influence on Travel Behaviour. Current Issues in Tourism. 26(17), 2829-2844. Van Buskirk*, A., Boley, B., Killmaster, C., Johannsen, K., & D’Angelo, G. (2023). Drivers of Support for Citizen Science across State Wildlife Management Agencies in the United States. Conservation Biology. 37(3), 1-15. Karimi, A., & Boley, B. (2023). Service quality assessments of cultural heritage sites by residents and tourists: Application of four complementary IPA techniques. Tourism Planning and Development. 20(4), 541-565. Pruitt*, H., Boley, B., D’Angelo, & McConnell, M. (2023). Deer management cooperative members’ likelihood of engaging in conservation initiatives: an importance-likelihood analysis. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 28(5), 397-416 Pruitt*, H., Boley, B., D’Angelo, & McConnell, M. (2023). Impact of Deer Management Cooperative Implementation on White-tailed Deer Harvest Behaviors. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 47:e1409 Strzelecka, M., Prince, S., & Boley, B. (2023). Resident Connection to Nature and Attitudes Towards Tourism: Findings from three different nature-based tourism destinations in Poland. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 31(3), 664-687. Adloo*, S., Green, G., & Boley, B. (2023). Measuring 'Iconicism" through the Iconic Species Scale. Society and Natural Resources. 36(1), 1-19. Yeager*, E., Boley, B., & Goetcheus, C. (2023). Conceptualizing peer-to-peer accommodations as disruptions in the urban tourism system. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 31(2), 504-519. Russell*, Z., Boley, B., Woosnam, K, & Campbell, W.K. (2022). Motivations Behind Posting Travel Pictures for Status: Developing and Testing the Conspicuous Consumption Posting Scale (CCPS). Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. 39(6), 555-569. Boley, B., Russell, Z.*, & Woosnam, K. (2022). Functional and Self-Congruity’s Influence on Lodging Choice: A Comparison of Franchise and Independent Accommodations. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 50, 318-326. Li, Xiangping, Boley, B., & Yang, F. (2022).Empowerment and its divergent influence over mass and alternative tourism: Lessons from Macao where gaming meets cultural heritage. International Journal of Tourism Research, 24(6), 786-799. Kline, C., Knollenberg, W., Boley, B., & Jordan, E. (2022). Personal factors influencing US Travelers’ sentiments toward travel policies to Cuba. Journal of Tourism Insights, 12(1), Art. 9. Woosnam, K., Alector, M.A., Denley, T.*, Hehir, C., & Boley, B. (2022) Psychological antecedents of last chance tourism engagement: Considering complementary theories. Journal of Travel Research, 61(6), 1342-1357. Beall*, J. & Boley, B. (2022). An Ecotourist by Whose Standards? Developing and Testing the Ecotourist Identification Scale (EIS). Journal of Ecotourism. 21(2), 99-120. Boley, B., Strzelecka, M., Yeager*, E., Ribeiro, M., Aleshinloye, K., Woosnam, K., & Mimbs, B. (2021). Measuring Place Attachment with The Abbreviated Place Attachment Scale (APAS). Journal of Environmental Psychology, 74 Rosenberger*, J.P., Boley, B.B., Edge, A.C., Yates, C.J., Miller, K.V., Osborn, D., Killmaster, C.H., Johannsen, K.L., & D’Angelo, G.J. (2021). Satisfaction of public land hunters during long-term deer population decline. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 45(4), 608-617. Aleshinloye, K., Woosnam, K., Erul, E., Suess, C., Kong, I., & Boley, B. (2021). Which construct is better at explaining residents’ involvement in tourism; emotional solidarity or empowerment?. Current Issues in Tourism. 24(23), 3372-3386. Yeager*, E., Boley, B., Welch-Divine, M., & Goetcheus, G. (2021). Peer-to-peer accommodation hosts: An identity framework. Journal of Qualitative Research in Tourism. 2(1), 20-41. Beall*, J., Boley, B., Landon, A., & Woosnam, K.M. (2021) What drives ecotourism: environmental values or symbolic conspicuous consumption? Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 29(8), 1215-1234. TenHarmsel*, H., Boley, B., Irwin, B., & Jennings, C. (2021). Perceived constraints and negotiations to trout fishing in Georgia based on angler specialization level. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 41(1), 115-129. Pruitt*, H., Boley, B., D’Angelo, G., & McConnell, M. (2021). Importance – Satisfaction Analysis of deer management cooperative members. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 45(1), 85-96. Boley, B. Jordan, J., & Woosnam, M. (2021). Reversed polarity items in tourism scales: Best practice or dimensional pitfall? Current Issues in Tourism, 24(4), 466-478. Boley, B., & Woosnam, K. (2021). Going Global or Going Local? Why Travelers Choose Franchise and Independent Accommodations. Journal of Travel Research, 60(2), 354-369. Knollenberg, W., Kline, C., Jordan, E., & Boley, B. (2020). Will US Travelers be Good Guests to Cuba? Examining US traveler segments’ sustainable behavior and interest in visiting Cuba. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management. 18(December), 100505, 1-11. Mimbs*, B.P., Boley, B.B., Bowker, J.M., Woosnam, K.M., & Green, G.T. (2020). Importance-performance analysis of residents and tourists' preferences for water-based recreation in the Southeastern United States. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism. 31(100324), p. 1-11 Denley*, T., Woosnam, K., Riberio, M.A., Boley, B., Hehir, C., & Abrams, J. (2020). Individuals’ intentions to engage in last chance tourism: Applying the value-belief-norm model. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28(11), 1860-1881. Yeager*, E., Boley, B. Woosnam, K. & Green, G. (2020). Modeling Residents’ Attitudes towards Short-Term Vacation Rentals. Journal of Travel Research, 59(6), 955-974. Dongoh, J., Woosnam, K. Strzelecka, M., & Boley, B. (2020). Knowledge, empowerment, and action: Testing the empowerment theory in a tourism context. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28(1), 69-85. TenHarmsel*, H., Boley, B., Irwin, B., & Jennings, C. (2019). An Importance-Satisfaction Analysis of Trout License Holders in Georgia. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 39: 1227-1241. Keith*, S., & Boley, B. (2019). Importance-Performance Analysis of Resident Urban Greenway Users: Findings from Three Atlanta BeltLine Neighborhoods. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 44. Boley, B. Strzelecka, M., & Woosnam, K. (2018). Resident perceptions of the economic benefits of tourism: Towards a Common Measure. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 42(8), 1295-1314. Palardy[1], N., Boley, B., & Johnson-Gaither, C. (2018). Resident support for urban greenways across diverse neighborhoods: Comparing two Atlanta's BeltLine segments. Landscape and Urban Planning, 180 (December), 223-233. Jordan, E., Boley, B., Knollenberg, W., & Kline, C. (2018). Predictors of intention to travel to Cuba across three time horizons: An application of the theory of planned behavior. Journal of Travel Research, 57(7), 981-993. Soulard, J., Knollenberg, W., Boley, B., Perdue, R., & McGehee, N. (2018). Social capital and destination strategic planning. Tourism Management. 69, 189-200. Boley, B., Jordan, E., Kline, C., & Knollenberg, W. (2018). Social Return and Intent to Travel. Tourism Management. 64, 119-128. Landon, A., Woosnam, K., & Boley, B. (2018). Modeling the psychological antecedents to tourists’ pro-sustainable behaviors: An application of the value-belief norm model. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26(6), 957-972. Moran**, C., Boley, B., Woosnam, K. Jordan, E., Kline, C., Knollenberg, W. (2018). The battle of the socials: Which socially symbolic factors best predict intent to travel? Tourism Management, 68, 324-327. [Research Note]. Woosnam, K., Maruyama, M., Boley, B., & Erul, E. (2018). Stereotypes and perceived solidarity in ethnic enclave tourism. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 16(2), 138-154. Fulmer*, A., Boley, B., & Green, G. (2018) Can You Hear Me Now? Using Importance-Performance Analysis to Gauge US Forest Service Employee Satisfaction with Handheld Radios. Journal of Forestry, 116(2), 133-142. Boley, B., Strzelecka, M., & Watson*, A. (2018). Place Distinctiveness, Psychological Empowerment, and Support for Tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 70, 137-139 [Research Note]. Palardy*, N., Boley, B., & Johnson-Gaither, C. (2018). Residents and Urban Trails: Modeling Support for the Atlanta Beltline. Landscape and Urban Planning. 169, 250-259. Weber**, S., Boley, B., Palardy*, N., & Johnson-Gaither, C. (2017). The impact of urban greenways on residential concerns: Findings from the Atlanta Beltline Trail. Landscape and Urban Planning, 167, 147-156. Strzelecka, M., Boley, B., & Woosnam, K. (2017). Place attachment and empowerment: Do residents need to be attached to be empowered? Annals of Tourism Research, 66, 61-73. Boley, B. Ayscue*, E., Maruyama, N., & Woosnam, K. (2017). Gender and empowerment: Assessing Discrepancies using the Resident Empowerment through Tourism Scale. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 25(1), 113-129. Maruyama, N., Woosnam, K., & Boley, B. (2017). Who is ethnic neighborhood tourism for anyway? Considering perspectives of the dominant cultural group. International Journal of Tourism Research. 19(6), 727-735. Strzelecka, M., Boley, B., & Strzelecka, C. (2017). Empowerment and resident support for tourism in rural Central and Eastern Europe (CEE): The case of Pomerania, Poland. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 25(4), 554-572. Maruyama, N., Woosnam, K., & Boley, B. (2017). Resident Attitudes toward Ethnic Neighborhood Tourism (ENT): Perspectives of ethnicity and empowerment. Tourism Geographies, 19(2), 265-286. Boley, B., McGehee, N., & Hammet, A.L. (2017). Importance-performance analysis (IPA) of sustainable tourism initiatives: The resident perspective. Tourism Management, 58, 66-77. Boley, B., & Strzelecka, M. (2016). Towards a Universal Measure of 'Support for Tourism.’ Annals of Tourism Research, 61, 238-241. [Research Note]. Maruyama, N., Woosnam, K., & Boley, B. (2016). Comparing Levels of Resident Empowerment among Two Culturally-Diverse Resident Populations in Oizumi, Gunma, Japan. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 24(10), 1442-1460 Walton*, Z., Poudyal, N., Hepinstall-Cymerman, J., Johnson-Gaither, C., & Boley, B. (2016). Exploring the role of forest resources in reducing community vulnerability to the heat effects of climate change. Forest Policy and Economics. 71, 94-102. Woosnam, K., Maruyama, & Boley, B. (2016). Perceptions of the ‘Other’ residents: Implications for attitudes of tourism development focused on the minority ethnic group. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. 33(5), 567-580. Boley, B. & Green, G. (2016). Ecotourism and natural resource conservation: The ‘potential’ for a sustainable symbiotic relationship. Journal of Ecotourism, 15(1), 36-50. Boley, B. & Johnson Gaither, C. (2016). Exploring Empowerment within the Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor: Implications for heritage tourism development in the Lowcountry. Journal of Heritage Tourism. 11(2), 155-176. Nickerson, N., Jorgenson, J., & Boley, B. (2016). Are sustainable tourists a higher spending market? Tourism Management. 54, 170-177. Ayscue*, E., Boley, B., & Mertzlufft*, C. (2016). Mobile technology and resident attitude research. Tourism Management, 52, 559-562. [Research Note] Boley, B., Maruyama, N., & Woosnam, K. (2015). Measuring empowerment in an Eastern context: Findings from Japan. Tourism Management, 50, 112-122. Boley, B. (2015). To travel or not to travel? Both have implications for sustainable tourism. Tourism Planning and Development, 12(2), 208-224. Boley, B., McGehee, N., Perdue, R., & Long, P. (2014). Empowerment and resident attitudes toward tourism: Strengthening the theoretical foundation through a Weberian lens. Annals of Tourism Research. 49, 33-50. Boley, B., & McGehee, N. (2014) Measuring empowerment: Developing and validating the Resident Empowerment through Tourism Scale (RETS). Tourism Management. 45, 85-94. Knollenberg, W., McGehee, N., Boley, B., & Clemmons, D. (2014). Motivation-based transformative learning and potential volunteer tourists: Facilitating more sustainable outcomes. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 22(6), 922-941. Boley, B. & Uysal, M. (2013/2014[2]). Competitive synergy through triple bottom line sustainability: Evidence from three hospitality case studies. Tourism and Hospitality Research. 13(4): 226-238. Boley, B. & Nickerson, N. (2013). Profiling geotravelers: An a priori segmentation identifying and defining sustainable travelers using the Geotraveler Tendency Scale (GTS). Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 21(2): 314-330. Boley, B., Magnini, V., & Tuten, T. (2013). Social media picture posting and souvenir purchase behavior: Some initial findings. Tourism Management, 37: 27-30. [Research Note] McGehee, N.G., Boley, B., Hallo, J., McGee, J., Norman, W., Goetcheus, C., & Oh, Chi-Ok (2013). Doing Sustainability:An application of an inter-disciplinary and mixed-method approach. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 21(3): 355-375. Boley, B. (2011). Sustainability in hospitality and tourism education: Towards an integrated curriculum. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education. 23(4): 22-30. Boley, B., Nickerson, N., & Bosak, K. (2011). Measuring geotourism: Developing and testing the Geotraveler Tendency Scale (GTS). Journal of Travel Research. 50(5): 567-578. Bosak, K., Boley, B., & Zaret, K. (2010) Deconstructing the “Crown of the Continent”: Power, politics and the process of creating National Geographic’s geotourism mapguides. Tourism Geographies. 12(3), 460-480. [1] Denotes work conducted with UGA graduate students or postdoctoral researchers under my supervision ** Denotes work conducted with UGA undergraduate student * Denotes work conducted with UGA graduate students or postdoctoral researchers under my supervision [2] Article accepted February 27, 2014 and published online in March 2014, but placed in a 2013 volume. Labs/Centers/Committee: Tourism Research Lab Area of Specialty: Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management Research Areas: Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Research Interests: My research interests focus on sustainable tourism with special attention to how the unique natural and cultural resources of communities can be protected, packaged and marketed to jointly increase sustainability, resident quality of life and a community’s competitiveness as a tourism destination.