Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs Professor, Natural Resources, Recreation and Tourism Management Awards, Honors and Recognitions: Awards 2024 Director/Chair of UGA's Teaching Academy 2023 Executive Committee Member of UGA's Teaching Academy 2022 UGA's Service-Learning Excellent in Research Award 2021 Tr-Alpha Honor Society Member & Mentor 2021 UGA's Service-Learning Excellent in Teaching Award 2021 UGA's Blue Key Advisor 2019/20 USG Chancellor's Learning Scholar 2019 Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professorship 2017 UGA Swimming & Diving Program’s “Mark Nedza” Service Award for Mentoring Athletes 2016 Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching 2015 Warnell’s Outstanding Teacher on Honors Day 2014 National Postdoc Appreciation Week Mentor/Postdoc Award 2014 Teacher of the Week Award, Center for Teaching & Learning, UGA 2013 Senior Teaching Fellow 2013 Executive Committee Member of UGA’s Teaching Academy 2013 Member of UGA’s Teaching Academy 2012 Richard B. Russell Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching 2012 Graduate School’s Outstanding Mentoring Award 2010 Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching 2009 UGA Writing Fellow 2007 Outstanding Teacher on Honors Day 2006 Professor of the Year by Xi Sigma Pi/Herrick Education Education: Ed.D., Recreation and Leisure Studies (Administration) University of Georgia, 2000 M.Ed., Sport Management University of Georgia, 1994 Research Selected Publications: Books Authored or Co-authored: Cordell, H. K., Betz, J., Green, G. T., et al. (2004). Outdoor recreation in America in the 21st Century (pp. 293). Pittsburgh, PA: Venture Press. Chapters in Books: †Poudyal, N., Bowker, J., Green, G. T., & Hodges, D. (2012). Modeling the impact of changes in land use and socio-cultural patterns from urbanization on recreation fishing. In Turunen, E., and Koskinen, A. (Eds.) Urbanization and the Global Environment (pp. 163-180). Nova Science Publishers, Inc. †Thompson, F., Cordell, H., Green, G., Fly, M., Stephens, R., & English, D. (2005). Outlook for public lands. In McClure, M., and Harris, J. (Eds.). Domestic Outlook for Travel and Tourism. (pp. 292-299). Washington, D.C. Travel Industry Association of America. †Cordell, H. K., Green, G. T., Leeworthy, V. R., Stephens, R., Fly, M., & C. Betz. (2005). The United States of America: Outdoor recreation. In: Cushman, G., Veal, A., & Zuzanek, J. (Eds.). Free time and leisure participation: International perspectives (pp. 245-264). Wallingford, UK: CAB International. *†Cordell, H. K., Bergstrom, J.C., Betz, C. J., & Green, G. T. (2004). Dominant socioeconomic forces and natural resources. The 10th international symposium on society and resource management (pp. 349-361). Keystone Resort, CO. *†Cordell, H. K., & Green, G. T. (2001). Sustaining outdoor recreation in the United States. In: Palo, M., Uusivuori, J., and Mery, G. (Eds.). World forests, markets and policies (3rd Edition) (pp. 395-406). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Book Reviews: †Green, G. T. (2005). Wilderness management: Stewardship and protection of resources and values (3rd Edition) by John C. Hendee and Chad P. Dawson. Golden, CO: International Wilderness Leadership (WILD) Foundation and Fulcrum Publishing, 2002. pp. 640. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, (22)4, pp.130-33. Monographs: Larson^, L., Green, G. T., & Cordell. H. K. (2012). Time out: How much time do kids spend outdoors? Natural Inquirer (5), pp.7-22. Cordell, H. K., Green, G. T., & Tarrant, M. A. (2006). Can you hear me now? Using the telephone to discover people’s opinions about wilderness. Natural Inquirer, (7) 1, 47-56. Journal Publications: Note: “†” indicates the publications were subject to editorial/peer refereed evaluationNote: “*” indicates media, performances or publications of National or International Standing.Note: “^” indicates a student advisee Mimbs, B, P., Boley, B. B., Bowker, J. M., Woosnam, K. M., & Green, G.T. (2020). Importance performance analysis of residents’ and tourists’ perferences for water-based recreation in the Southeastern United States. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 31, 100324. Doi: 10.1016/j.jort.2020.100324 Horsley, Sarah., Hohbein, Rhianna., Morrow, Kristen., & Green, G. T. (2020). What’s in a name? A content analysis of environmental NGO’s use of “iconic species” in press releases." Biodiversity & Conservation, 29(8), 2711-2728. doi:10.1007/s10531-020-01995-7 Gerber, K., Fulmer, J., & Green, G. T. (2020). Challenging legitimacy gaps: Using organizational culture to defend the value of outdoor recreation programming in higher education. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education and Leadership, 1-35. Poudyal, N., & Green, G. T. (2019). College student’s attitude towards assessment structure: A comparison of low and high-stake assignments in natural resource course. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, 63, 215-220. Yeager, E., Boley, B., Green, G., & kyle, W. (2019). Modeling Residents’ Attitudes towards Short-Term Vacation Rentals. Journal of Travel Research 1-20. DOI: 10.1177/0047287519870255. Staples, A. F., Larson, L. R., Worsley, T., Green, G. T., & Carroll, J. P. (2019). Effects of an art-based environmental education camp program on the environmental attitudes and awareness of diverse youth. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION, 50(3), 208-222. doi:10.1080/00958964.2019.1629382 Cothran, W., Bowker, J., larson, L., Parajuli, R., Whiting, J., & Green, G. (2019). Fee hikes at state parks in Georgia: Effects on visitation, revenues, welfare, and visitor diversity. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration †Ghimire^, R., Ferreira, S., Green, G. T., Poudyal, N., & Cordell, H., & Thapa, J. (2017). Green Space and Adult Obesity in the United States. Ecological Economics 136, 201-212.†Ghimire^, R., Green, G. T., Poudyal, N., Paudel, K., & Cordell, H. (2017). Visitor’s Preferences for Freshwater Amenity Characteristics: Implications from the U.S. Household Survey. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 42(1), 90-113. †Whiting^&, J., Larson^, L., & Green, G. T. (2017). Outdoor recreation motivations and site Preferences across diverse racial/ethnic groups: A case study of Georgia state parks. Journal of Outdoor Recreation & Tourism 18, 10-21. *†Mullenbach, L., & Green, G. T. (2016). Can environmental education increase student athlete’s sustainable behaviors? Environmental Education Research. doi/full/10.1080/13504622.2016.1241218. †Boley, B. B., & Green, G. T. (2016). Ecotourism and natural resource conservation: the ‘potential’for a sustainable symbiotic relationship. Journal of Ecotourism, 15(1), 36-50. †Coyle, D.R., G.T. Green, B.F. Barnes, K.D. Klepzig, J.T. Nowak, & K.J.K. Gandhi. (2016). Landowner and manager awareness and perceptions of pine health issues and southern pine management activities in the southeastern U.S. Journal of Forestry. †Ghimire^, R., Green, G. T., Poudyal, N., & Cordell, H. (2016). Who recreates where: Implications from a national household survey. Journal of Forestry, 114(4), 458-456. †Larson, L. R., Whiting, J. W., Green, G. T., & Bowker, J. M. (2015). Physical activity of youth in non-urban parks: an observation-based assessment. Leisure/Loisir, 38(3-4): 225-232. doi: 10.1080/14927713.2015.1042212 †McKee, A. M., G. T. Green, & J. C. Maerz. (2015). Neutral processes that regulate patterns of species and genetic diversity. Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology: †Dawson, C., Cordell, H., Watson, A., Ghimire^, R., & Green, G. T. (2015). The U.S. wilderness manager survey: Charting a path for the future. Journal of Forestry, 114 (3), 298-304. doi: †Ghimire^, R., Green, G. T., Poudyal, N., & Cordell, H. (2015). Wilderness and the American public: An assessment and comparison of perceived benefits of, and support for wilderness areas. International Journal of Wilderness, 21(2), 27-32. †Parker^, S., & Green, G. T. (2015). A comparative study of recreation constraints to national forest use by ethnic groups in Northern Georgia. Journal of Forestry. †Poudyal, N., Paudyal, R., Bowker, J. M., Dorison, A., Zarnoch, S., & Green, G. T. (2015). A value orientation approach to assess and compare climate change risk perception among trout anglers in Georgia, USA. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 11, 22-33. doi:10.1016/j.jort.2015.06.004 †Larson^, L. R., Whiting^, J. W., Green, G. T., & Bowker, J. M. (2015). Contributions of state parks to physical activity of non-urban youth in Georgia. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 33(2), 20-36. *†Ghimire^, R., Green, G. T., Cordell, H., Watson, A., & Dawson, C. (2015). Wilderness stewardship: A survey of national wilderness preservation system managers. International Journal of Wilderness, 21(1), 23-33. †Ward^, L. K., & Green, G. T. (2015). Wilderness zoning: Applying an adapted Biosphere reserve model to wilderness area management. Illuminare,(13) 1, 39-52. †Flowers^, A. E., Larson^, L. R., Green, G. T., & Carroll, J. (2014). Using art to assess environmental education outcomes. Environmental Education Research,21(6), 846-864. DOI:10.1080/13504622.2014.959473 †Ghimire^, R., Green, G. T., Poudyal, N., & Cordell, H. (2014). Do outdoor recreation participants place their lands in conservation easement? Nature Conservation, doi: 10.3897/natureconservation.9.7981. †Christiana^, R., Davis, M., Wilson, M., McCarthy, F., & Green, G. T. (2014) Factors related to rural youths’ participation in outdoor, noncompetitive physical activity. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 85, 509-518. †Larson^, L. R., Whiting^, J. W., Green, G. T., & Bowker, J. M. (2014). Physical activity levels and preferences of ethnically diverse visitors to Georgia state parks. Journal of Leisure Research, 46 (5), 540-562. †Ghimire^, R., Green, G. T., & Cordell, H. K (2014). Analysis of perceived constraints to outdoor recreation participants. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 32 (4), 52-67. *†Conway^ A., Hernandez, S., Carroll, J., Green, G., & Larson^, L. (2014). Local awareness of and attitudes towards pygmy hippopotamus Choeropsis liberiensis in the Moa River Island Complex, Sierra Leone. International Journal of Conservation Fauna & Flora. doi: 10.1017/5003060531300077X † Larson^, L. R., Whiting^, J. W., Green, G. T., & Bowker, J. M. (2014). Physical activity locations in Georgia: Frequency of use by socio-demographic group. Journal of Outdoor Recreation & Tourism, 5-6, 68-72. † Larson^, L. R., Whiting^, J. W., Green, G. T., & Bowker, J. M. (2013). Youth outdoor recreation and state park use: Perceived benefits from the parent’s/guardian’s perspective. Children, Youth and Environments, 23 (3), 89-118. *† Poudyal, N., Paudel, B., & Green, G. T. (2013). Estimating the Impact of Visibility Impairment on Demand for Visits to National Parks. Tourism Economics 19(2), pp.433-452. †Albritton^, R., & Green, G. T. (2013). Effects of the University of Georgia’s outdoor adventure activities class on student’s environmental stewardship and confidence within the great outdoors. Illuminaire, 11(1), pp.1-15. †Sharp^, R. L., Larson^, L, R., Green, G. T., & Tomek, S. (2012). Comparing interpretative methods targeting invasive species management at Cumberland Island National Seashore. Journal of Interpretation Research, 17(2), pp. 23-46. †Whiting^, J. W., Larson^, L. R., & Green, G. T. (2012). Monitoring visitation in Georgia state parks using the system for observing play and recreation in communities. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 30(3), pp.21-37. † Poudyal, N., & Green, G. T. (2012).Supply of private acreage for recreational deer hunting in Georgia. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 17(2), pp.141-154. †Small^, R., Larson^, L., & Green, G. T., & Shenk, A. (2012). Effects of an environmental educator training workshop on environmental knowledge, awareness, and teaching self-efficacy. Illuminaire.10(1), pp. 30-43. †Sharp^, R. L., Larson^, L. R., & Green, G. T. (2011). Factors influencing public perception for invasive alien management. Biological Conservation,144(8), pp. 2097-2104. †Larson^, L. R., Green, G. T., & Cordell, H. K. (2011). Children’s time outdoors: results and implications of the National Kids Survey. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 29(2).pp.1-20. † Whiting^, J. W, Pawelko, K., Green, G. T. (2011). Whitewater kayaking: A social world investigation. Illuminaire, 9 (1), pp.1-15. † Larson^, L. R., Whiting^, J., & Green, G. T. (2011). Exploring the influence of outdoor recreation participation on pro-environmental behavior in a demographically diverse population. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, 16 (1), pp. 67-86. †Larson^, L. R., Castleberry, S. B., & Green, G. T. (2010). Effects of an environmental education program on the environmental orientations of children from different gender, age, and ethnic groups. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 28 (3), pp. 95-113. †Green, G. T., Bowker, J.M., Wang, X., Cordell, H.K., & Johnson, C.Y. (2009). An examination of perceived constraints to outdoor recreation. Journal of Public Affairs and Issues, (12), p. 28-53. †Larson^, L., Green, G.T., Castleberry, S. (2009). Construction and validation of an instrument to measure environmental orientations in a diverse group of children. Environment and Behavior. (First published online at: early/2009/10/23/0013916509345212.full.pdf+html. †Robinson, J. C., Green, G. T., & Cordell, H. K. (2008). Birding for everyone: A comparative analysis of participation by minorities in birding. Birding, 40 (6), p. 51-58. †Bowker, J. M., Lim, S. H., Cordell, H. K., Green, G. T., Rideout-Hanzak, S., Johnson, C.Y., & Betz, C. J. (2008). Wildland fire, risk, and recovery: Results of a national survey with regional and racial perspectives. Journal of Forestry, 106(5), 268-276. †Zhang, Y., Tarrant, M. A., & Green, G. T. (2008). The iimportance of differentiating urban and rural phenomena in examining the unequal distribution of sdudlocally desirable land. Journal of Environmental Management, 88(4), 1314-1319. *†Cordell, H. K., Betz, C. J., & Green, G. T. (2008). Nature-based outdoor recreation trends and wilderness. International Journal of Wilderness, 14(2), 7-13. *†Green, G. T., Bowker, J. M., Johnson, C. Y., Cordell, H.K., & Wang, X. (2007). An examination of constraints to wilderness visitation. International Journal of Wilderness, 13(2), 26-36. †Johnson, C. Y., Bowker, J. M., Green, G. T., & Cordell, H. K. (2007). Provide it…but will they come? A look at Black and Hispanic visits to federal recreation areas. Journal of Forestry, 105(5), 257-265. †Bowker, J.M., Murphy, D., Cordell, H.K., English, D.B.K., Bergstrom, J.C., Starbuck, C.M., Betz, C.J., & Green G.T. (2006). Wilderness and Primitive Area Recreation Participation and Consumption: An Examination of Demographic and Spatial Factors. Journal of Agriculture and Applied Economics, 38(2), 317-326. †Green, G. T., Cordell, H. K., Distefano, C., & Betz, C. J. (2006). Construction and validation of the national survey on recreation and the environment’s leisure lifestyles scale. Journal of Leisure Research, 38(4), 513-535. *†Green, G.T., Tarrant, M.A., Raychaudhuri, U., & Zhang, Y. (2005). Wilderness: In whose backyard? International Journal of Wilderness, 11(3), 31-38. †Williams, R., Vogelsong, H., Green, G. T., & Cordell, H. K. (2004). Outdoor recreation participation of people with mobility disabilities: Selected results of the national survey on recreation and the environment. Journal of Park and Administration, 22 (2), 84-100. †Tarrant, M.A., Cordell, H.K., & Green, G.T. (2003). PVF: A scale to measure public values of forests. Journal of Forestry, 101(6), 24-30. *†Cordell, H.K., Tarrant, M.A., & Green, G.T. (2003). Is the public viewpoint of wilderness shifting? International Journal of Wilderness, 9(2), 27-32. †Cordell, H. K., Green, G. T., & Betz, C. (2002). Cultural dimensions of recreation, and the environment. Leisure Sciences, 24(1), 13-41. †Green, G. T., Kleiber, D., & Tarrant, M. A. (2000). The effect of an outdoor adventure based ropes-course program on the development of resiliency in low-income minority youth. Journal of Parks and Administration, 18(3), 76-97. †Tarrant, M. A., & Green, G.T. (1999). Outdoor recreation and the predictive validity of environmental attitudes. Leisure Sciences, 21(1), 17-30.Bowker, J; Murphy, D; Cordell, H; English, D; Bergstrom, J; Starbuck, C; Betz, C; and Green, G. 2006. Wilderness and Primitive Area Recreation Participation and Consumption: An Examination of Demographic and Spatial Factors. Journal of Agriculture and Applied Economics 38:2. Area of Specialty: Natural Resource Recreation and Tourism Human Dimensions of WIldlife Research Areas: Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Teaching: FANR 1100-Natural Resource ConservationFANR 3900 InternshipFANR 3950-Professional DevelopmentFANR 3400/D-Society & Natural ResourcesFANR4700-Social Science Research MethodsFANR 7800/5800-Environmental InterpretationFANR 8900/9990-Teaching PracticumFYOS 1001-Natural Resource Conservation Issues PRTM 4400/6400 Park Management PRTM 8980-Human Dimensions & Tourism