Professor Emeritus Professional Experience: Wildlife habitat and population responses to forest management practices Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Management, D. B. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia, 1996-2000. Associate Research Scientist. D. B. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia. 1995-1996. Assistant Research Scientist, D. B. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia. 1990-1995. Education Education: Doctor of Philosophy in Forest Resources, University of Georgia, 1985. Dissertation: 'Social and biological aspects of signpost communication in white-tailed deer.' Master of Science in Entomology, Ohio State University, 1981. Thesis: 'The biology, host preference, and functional response of Atheta coriaria (Kraatz) (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) Bachelor of Science in Entomology, The Pennsylvania State University, 1979 Research Selected Publications: Miller, J and Miller, K.V. 1999. Forest Plants of the Southeast and their wildlife uses. Southern Weed Science Society. Hein, C.D.; Castleberry, S.B.; and Miller, K.V. 2009. Site-occupancy of bats in relation to forested corridors. Forest Ecology and Management257:1200-1207. Hein, C.D.; Castleberry, S.B.; and Miller, K.V. 2008. Male Seminole bat winter roost-site selection in a managed forest. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:1756-1764. Hein, C.D.; Miller, K.V.; and Castleberry, S.B. 2009. Evening bat summer roost-site selection on a managed pine landscape. Journal of Wildlife Management 73:511-517. Mathiason, C; Powers, J; Dahmes, S; Osborn, D; Miller, K.V.; Warren, R; Mason, G; Hays, S; Hayes-Klug, J; Seelig, D; Wild, M; Wolfe, L; Spraker, T; Miller, M; Sigurdson, C; Telling, G; and Hoover, E. 2006. Infectious prions in the saliva and blood of deer with chronic wasting disease. Science 314 (5796):133-136. Area of Specialty: Wildlife Ecology and Management Game Management Non-Game and Endangered Species Wildlife and Forest Management Wildlife Disease