Professor, Wildlife Ecology and Management Awards, Honors and Recognitions: Certified Wildlife Biologist® Education Education: Ph.D. in Wildlife and Fisheries Resources, West Virginia University, 2000 M.S. in Forest Resources, University of Georgia, 1997 B.S. in Forest Resources, University of Georgia, 1993 Research Selected Publications: Perea, S., A. Vicente-Santos, A. L. Larsen-Gray, K. J. K. Gandhi, D. U. Greene, B. F. Barnes, and S. B. Castleberry. 2025. Disentangling winter relationships: bat responses to forest stand structure, environmental conditions, and prey composition. Forest Ecology and Management 578:122484. Ferrall, E. A., S. Perea, K. M. Morris, P. E. Pattavina, B. J. Irwin, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, and S. B. Castleberry. 2024. Disparities in Perimyotis subflavus body mass between cave and culvert hibernacula in Georgia, USA. Ecology and Evolution 14:e70634. Perea, S., E. A. Ferrall, K. M. Morris, P. E. Pattavina, and S. B. Castleberry. 2024. One ring does not fit all: evaluation of banding-related injuries in tricolored bats. Conservation Science and Practice. Myers, J. B., S. Perea, K. L. Johannsen, E. Rushton, L. M. Conner, S. B. Castleberry. 2024. Evaluating effects of natural and anthropogenic factors on American black bear occupancy in northern Georgia, USA. Journal of Zoology. Perea S., E. A. Ferrall, K. M. Morris, P. Pattavina, N. Sharp, M. Hunt, L. Pattavina N. Castleberry, S. Castleberry. 2024. Bioblitz as a tool for uncovering changes in forest bat communities in the southeastern United States. Journal of Bat Research and Conservation. Grider, J. F., J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, and S. B. Castleberry. 2024. Dynamic occupancy during disease related population declines in peripheral populations of Myotis septentrionalis. Landscape Ecology 39:173. Perea S., C. D. Meinecke, A. L. Larsen-Gray, D. U. Greene, C. Villari, K. J. K. Gandhi, and S. B. Castleberry. 2024. Winter bat diets in working forests in the southeastern U.S. Coastal Plain. Scientific Reports Duncan, S. I., R. A. McCleery, C. Carneiro, J. T. Pynne, E. I. Parsons, L. M. Conner, S. B. Castleberry, R. A. Gitzen, and J. D. Austin. 2024. Genetic support for discrete conservation units of the fossorial rodent Geomys pinetis. Conservation Genetics Perea S., G. Fandos, A. L. Larsen-Gray, D. U. Greene, R. B. Chandler, and S. B. Castleberry. 2023. Winter foraging habitat use by bats in working forest lands: a multispecies spatial occupancy approach. Animal Conservation Perea, S., E. A. Ferrall, K. M. Morris, P. E. Pattavina, N. Sharp, and S. B. Castleberry. 2023. A decade of hibernating bat communities along the periphery of a region of white‐nose syndrome. Journal of Wildlife Management 2023;e22506. Pynne, J. T., S. B. Castleberry, L. M. Conner, E. I. Parsons, R. A. Gitzen, S. I. Duncan, J. D. Austin, and R. A. McCleery. 2023. Experimental translocation for restoration of an ecological engineer. Restoration Ecology Perea, S., K. M. Morris, and S. B. Castleberry. 2022. Northern yellow bat Dasypterus intermedius activity and habitat selection on an Atlantic barrier island. Acta Chiropterologica 24:343-352. Moore, L. A., J. W. Finger, Jr., D. L. Haskins, R. M. Elsey, S. B. Castleberry, T. C. Glenn, C. H. Jagoe, and I. L. Brisbin, Jr. 2022. Tissue distribution of mercury in the bodies of wild American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) from a coastal marsh in Louisiana (USA). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. Perea, S., J. A. Yearout, E. A. Ferrall, K. M. Morris, J. T. Pynne, and S. B. Castleberry. 2022. 7-year impact of white-nose syndrome on tri-colored bat (Perimyotis subflavus) populations in Georgia, USA. Endangered Species Research. Parsons, E. I., R. A. Gitzen, J.T. Pynne, L. M. Conner, S. B. Castleberry, S. I. Duncan, J. D. Austin, and R. A. McCleery. 2022. Determining habitat requirements for the southeastern pocket gopher (Geomys pinetis) at multiple scales. Journal of Mammalogy 103:672-679. Lombardi, J. V., M. T. Mengak, and S. B. Castleberry. 2022. Allegheny woodrat occupancy across western Virginia, United States. Wildlife Biology 2022:e01023. Grider, J. F., S. B. Castleberry, and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2021. Diurnal roost selection of northern long-eared bats on the southern edge of their range. Forest Ecology and Management 496. Pynne, J. T., C. W. Piper, S. B. Castleberry, L. M. Conner, E. I. Parsons, R. A. Gitzen, J. D. Austin, S. I. Duncan, and R. A. McCleery. 2021. Ultraviolet biofluorescence in pocket gophers. American Midland Naturalist 186:150-155. Greene, D. U., M. T. Mengak, S. B. Castleberry, S. Sneckenberger and J. A. Gore. 2021. Effects of flooding on the endangered Key Largo cotton mouse (Peromyscus gossypinus allapaticola) in Florida. Southeastern Naturalist 20:N65-68. Pynne, J. T., L. M. Conner, A. Whelan, S. B. Castleberry, E. I. Parsons, R. A. Gitzen, S. I. Duncan, J. D. Austin, and R. A. McCleery. 2021. Southeastern pocket gopher (Geomys pinetis) tunnels provide stable thermal refugia. American Midland Naturalist 185:218-228. Murphy, C., L. L. Smith, J. J. O’Brien, and S. B. Castleberry. 2021. Overwintering habitat selection of the eastern diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus) in the longleaf pine ecosystem. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 16:203-210. Murphy, C., L. L. Smith, J. J. O’Brien, and S. B. Castleberry. 2021. A comparison of vertebrate assemblages at gopher tortoise burrows and stump holes in the longleaf pine ecosystem. Forest Ecology and Management 482. Bender, M. J., S. Perea, S. B. Castleberry, D. A. Miller, and T. B. Wigley. 2021. Influence of insect abundance and vegetation structure on site-occupancy of bats in managed pine forests. Forest Ecology and Management 482. Greene, D. U., M. T. Mengak, S. B. Castleberry, S. Sneckenberger and J. A. Gore. 2020. Observed abnormalities of the endangered Key Largo cotton mouse (Peromyscus gossypinus allapaticola). Florida Field Naturalist 48:87-89. Fink, S., R. Chandler, Chamberlain, M. J., S. B, Castleberry, and S. Thrasher. 2020. Carnivore-livestock interactions in a Namibian agricultural landscape. Human–Wildlife Interactions 14:287-295. Bennett, M. E., R. A. Gitzen, L. M. Conner, M. D. Smith, S. B. Castleberry, and E. C. Soehren. 2020. Interactions of soil and vegetation determine habitat suitability for southeastern pocket gophers (Geomys pinetis). The American Midland Naturalist 184:205-221. Potash, A. D., C. M. Murphy, J. T. Pynne, R. A. McCleery, L. M. Conner, S. B. Castleberry, and L. L. Smith. 2020. Eastern fox squirrel (Sciurus niger) observed using a gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) burrow. Southeastern Naturalist 19:N14-19. Castleberry, S. B., C. R. Bland, J. M. Beck, E. Kurimo-Beechuk, K. M. Morris, and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2020. Multi-scale assessment of male northern yellow bat roost selection. Journal of Wildlife Management Duncan, S. I., J. T. Pynne, E. I. Parsons, R. J. Fletcher, J. D. Austin, S. B. Castleberry, L. M. Conner, R. A. Gitzen, M. Barbour, and R. A. McCleery. 2020. Land use and cover effects on an ecosystem engineer. Forest Ecology and Management 456. Pynne, J. T., S. B. Castleberry, L. M. Conner, E. I. Parsons, R. A. Gitzen, J. D. Austin, S. I. Duncan, R. A. McCleery. 2019. Canebrake rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) predation of southeastern pocket gopher (Geomys pinetis). Southeastern Naturalist 18:N34-36. Pynne, J. T., J. M. Owens, S. B. Castleberry, N. L. Castleberry, and R. Brinkman. 2019. Fate and movements of translocated of southeastern pocket gophers. Southeastern Naturalist 18:297-302. Moore, N. B., S. I. Duncan, E. I. Parsons, J. T. Pynne, J. D. Austin, L. M. Conner, S. B. Castleberry, R. A. Gitzen, and R. A. McCleery. 2019. A new live trap for pocket gophers. Wildlife Society Bulletin Area of Specialty: Wildlife Ecology and Management Non-Game and Endangered Species Wildlife and Forest Management Research Areas: Wildlife Sciences