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Master of Forest Resources (MFR)

The Master of Forest Resources combines business and forestry knowledge to prepare students for a range of career options related to the business of forestry. This non-thesis degree includes coursework at both Warnell and the Terry College of Business to blend business courses with advanced forestry coursework—the only program of its kind in the country.

This program is offered through UGA’s Harley Langdale Jr. Center for Forest Business, a leading knowledge center for the timberland investment and operations industry that is housed in Warnell. Students in this program develop the necessary skills for positions of leadership in forest operations management, timberland investing, or education in the private or public sector. This degree program combines the principles of:

  • Finance
  • Economics
  • Leadership
  • Marketing
  • Silviculture
  • Mensuration
  • Statistics
  • Operations research

Thanks to a unique partnership, all MFR students take business courses through the Terry College of Business. The program also includes a range of formative experiences, including internships, forestry operations tours, and forest investment conferences. Many of these opportunities are international, reflecting the global nature of today's forest business environment.

Job Opportunities

The opportunities for MFR graduates are wide-ranging. In addition to working in policy, academia, or even outside of the industry, MFR graduates often find career paths that take them to:

  • Timberland Investment Management Organizations (TIMOs), which manage large investments in timberland for pension funds, high net worth individuals, and others. 
  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), which manage timberland investments similar in scale to TIMOs, but manage for the benefit of shareholders invested in their publicly traded securities.
  • Forest management consultants, which maximize financial return for clients.
  • Lending, as many timberland transactions involve debt to enable deal consummation or to enhance returns. The lender touches segments of land management, portfolio management, project management, and business development. 
  •  Conservation experts that negotiate compensation for conservation easements for the benefit of investment firms as well as state agencies, federal agencies, and NGOs.
  • Policy and economic development by working in forestry sectors of organizations like the United Nations, FAO, OECD, or The World Bank.
  • Wood procurement positions in a variety of organizations, including wood dealers and energy companies. This is an ideal position to learn the true value of raw materials in a supply chain and how that supply chain functions throughout the industry.
  • Forestry industry, as MFR graduates gain silvicultural, operational, financial and GIS application knowledge to optimize the profitability of industry operations.  


The MFR requires a minimum of 33 semester hours of graduate-level course work, but additional courses may be required by the student’s advisory committee.

Courses Hours
Courses within Warnell 12
Courses outside study area 9
Electives* 11
Policy, Economics, and Administration requirement** 1
Total 33

*3 hours of Applied Research in Forestry and Natural Resources (FANR 9200) is recommended, but optional at the discretion of the Advisory Committee.

**The following courses satisfy this requirement:

  • FANR 6800 Renewable Natural Resources Policy
  • FANR 6810 Natural Resources Law
  • FORS 7750 Procurement and Management of Fiber Supply
  • FORS 6200 International Forest Business
  • FORS 7070 Forest Resource Consulting and Real Estate Practice
  • FORS 7720 Forest Harvesting and Roads
  • FORS 7780 Timberland Accounting, Finance and Taxation
  • FORS 6700 Forest Economics
  • FORS 6710 Forest Planning

Assistantships are available for qualified students.

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