Deadline: Mon, 03/13/2023 - 12:00pm Employer: US Department of Agriculture Job Field: Forestry Job Type: Full Time Location: Regional/Multiple Location Detail: The Tropical Nursery Specialist reports to the Regional Office in Vallejo, California, with a duty station of Hilo, Hawaii, and serves all American-Affiliated Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The Nursery Pest Specialist provides technical assistance regarding management of nursery insects, pathogens, and other pest issues to all Forest Service regions. Duty station TBD. Job Description: These Nursery Specialist positions are RNGR Team members and work across Forest Service deputy areas, serving as a recognized regional, national, and international technical authority for forest and conservation nursery production and field establishment practices. Duties include, but are not limited to: · Advise federal, state, industrial, tribal, and private forest and conservation nursery managers and growers on a variety of problems and opportunities relating to plant production including site selection, seed collection and storage, species and seed source selection, propagation protocols, culturing techniques, integrated pest management, crop scheduling, and other activities of both container and bareroot nurseries. · Develop and deliver nursery technology to assist nursery and reforestation personnel in implementing operational practices, improving quality and efficiency, and problem solving. This technology includes technical reports, professional journal articles, presentations, and online materials. · Organize and execute technology transfer meetings, workshops, and trainings to benefit forest and conservation nurseries as well as events with national or international impact. · Coordinate or conduct administrative studies, demonstration projects, and other technology development activities in partnership with Universities, State agencies, and other organizations. · Work closely with the RNGR team, other relevant Forest Service programs, and external partners to exchange nursery, genetic resource, and regeneration knowledge and emerging technology for their effective and innovative implementation and incorporation into nursery, restoration, and reforestation programs. · Develop national or international RNGR technology transfer and technical assistance projects, presentations, and publications in collaboration with other Federal programs. · Provide input as needed into regional and national policies and practices relating to State and Private Forestry RNGR activities based on relevant scientific and technical information and expert experience. Qualifications: Requirements for this position include (but are not limited to): · Professional knowledge sufficient to provide advice and develop technology transfer resources for the nursery, restoration, and reforestation community. · Skilled in developing and delivering relevant written and oral scientific resources to diverse audiences including presentations, publications, and organization of technology transfer events. · Ability to effectively network, collaborate, coordinate, and work cooperatively with state agencies, other federal agencies, private companies, organizations, and individuals. · Travel in support of technical assistance and technology transfer. How to Apply: Please respond to Karl Dalla Rosa (, indicating which position interests you and why (brief statement of interest) and include your current resume by close of business March 13th 2023 You can also respond in the Forest Service outreach database: