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If part of being successful is asking the right questions, then Shelda Owens got off to an early start.

In middle school, inspired by a television show that featured daring mountain rescues, she wrote a letter to the U.S. Forest Service to learn more about working in forestry. The Mount… Read Article

Woman Landowner Symposium creates a space for understanding and connections, with the future of forestry in mind



Women are essential to the future of forestry.

That was the message brought home to 65 participants at the first Woman Landowner Symposium, which… Read Article

Listen to this story as a podcast.


The students make their way around the research site, noting places for observation and questions that might come up.    Suddenly, a sharp noise cuts through their quiet murmurs.  … Read Article

There are three words that can create anxiety in the mind of any wildlife professional or researcher: trail camera survey.

After decades of managing and consulting for private hunting lands, Rans Thomas (BSFR ’99) knew this feeling all too well. Trail camera surveys, a method for… Read Article

Georgia’s coastal marshes could help create a template to combat greenhouse gases


Sink your hand into a pile of marsh mud and you’ll find an array of plant material, nutrients and minerals. The colors you see can change depending on the soil and where you found it.

It’s… Read Article

Mountain spring water is often touted as the cleanest water you can drink. But a new study from the University of Georgia revealed this isn’t the case.

Using data collected over 40 years, researchers detailed how water quality in high-elevation streams has been negatively affected by… Read Article

As a graduate student, Ashley Turner (MS ’05) cut her teeth in game management by studying red-tailed hawks inhabiting the historic quail hunting grounds of the Jones Center at Ichauway. Her first job after graduating was a good fit, managing for game populations at the sprawling W.C.… Read Article

Professor Jack May was a man of his word, with a strong desire to connect people with education. “He really saw education as the answer—everybody deserves it,” says Marianne Causey, one of the former Warnell professor’s eight children. “And, they deserve equal and good education. And I… Read Article

New UGA research could help limit damage the pigs cause

Managing the United States’ growing wild pig population has become a significant challenge over the past few decades, but new research from the University of Georgia may help landowners and government agencies fine-tune their… Read Article

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