Courses Hours FANR 9000 (Doctoral Research) 6 FANR 9300 (Doctoral Dissertation) 3 8000/9000 level course work1,2,3 16 Any level course work4 5 Total 30 1PhD students are required to take 1 hour of Forestry and Natural Resources Seminar Series (FANR 8060). 2Fisheries and Wildlife students only: 1 hour of graduate seminar (e.g., WILD(FISH) 8300, ECOL 8220, CBIO 8490, etc.) is required. 3FANR 9990 (Supervised Teaching Practicum in Forestry and Natural Resources) must be taken for one credit hour if student does not enroll in FANR 8900 (University Teaching in Forestry and Natural Resources). 4PhD students without an MS degree must take an additional 4 hours in courses open only to graduate students.