Deadline: Tue, 10/24/2023 - 12:00pm Employer: Texas Tech University Job Field: Fisheries Wildlife Job Type: Full Time Location: Texas Location Detail: Lubbock Job Description: : A doctoral graduate research assistantship is available with the USGS Texas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and Department of Natural Resources Management at Texas Tech University to implement and assess experimental approaches to improve survival of swift foxes in Texas. Specific research components to be conducted by the successful applicant for this announcement are 1) capture and GPS tagging of both swift foxes and coyotes, 2) collection of data from captured animals to be used for veterinary assessment of disease and parasite prevalence, 3) implementation of artificial burrows and vegetation manipulations, 4) assessment of overlap or lack-thereof, movements and expansion of study species in relation to habitat manipulations, and 5) modeling of survival. The results to the student’s PhD dissertation will have direct and important applicability to improved management and conservation for swift fox in Texas. The project will be conducted in collaboration with another doctoral student and Dr. John Tomecek from Texas A&M University; they will be addressing other aspects of swift fox conservation under this cooperative research program. This is a multi-faceted cooperative venture between several agencies, and the successful applicant will work closely with biologists from other entities including Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas A&M University, the US Forest Service, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Qualifications: s: M.S. in wildlife, fisheries, biology, or closely related natural resource field. A strong work ethic, excellent interpersonal skills, good verbal and written communication skills, ability to work independently and as a collaborative member of a research team is required. Strong field skills and experience in operating a 4wd vehicle, maintaining equipment, and the capture, handling, and marking of mammalian wildlife is required. Highly competitive applicants will also have taken statistical coursework and experience with software such as R, MARK, and ArcGIS. Prior experience in supervising and mentoring undergraduate technicians is desirable. *The successful applicant is required by university regulation to be vaccinated for rabies. If the applicant is not already vaccinated, the university will provide vaccination. Salary: $28,000/year with partial fee waivers and health insurance. How to Apply: Submit a 1) cover letter stating your interests and career goals, 2) transcript(s) and GRE scores (unofficial copies are fine), 3) resume/CV, and 4) full contact information for 3 references to Dr. Clint W. Boal at Clint W. Boal, Ph.D. Assistant Leader – Wildlife – USGS Texas Cooperative Research Unit Professor – Department of Natural Resources Management Texas Tech University