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Wildlife Specialist / Forestry Technician

Athens Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD)

Job Field:
Water and Soil Resources
Job Type:
Full Time
Location Detail:
Athens, Ohio

Job Description:





Nature and Purpose of Work:


The position of Wildlife Specialist/Forestry Technician will be located in the Athens Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) and will be employed by the Athens SWCD Board of Supervisors. The position is a full-time position of the Athens Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD). The person who occupies this position should and will become very proficient in technical and personal relations aspects of program implementation. This includes the ability to work with local government entities, agri-businesses, conservation organizations, landowners, and farmers under complex and challenging circumstances. Conservation education is also a priority of the Athens SWCD, and the person who occupies this position will work with other staff on planning, preparing and providing conservation education opportunities for both children and adults.


The employee is directly responsible to the District Board of Supervisors for work priorities. However, the District Manager will provide the necessary day-to-day supervision. The Division of Wildlife (DOW) will provide guidance and assistance on human/wildlife conflicts, wildlife habitat enhancement and education, maintenance and management of public lands (Division of Wildlife owned/operated), and identifying possible stream pollution problems. The Division of Forestry will provide some guidance and assistance on the forestry aspects of this position. The Division of Soil and Water Conservation (DSWC) and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will provide assistance regarding applicable technical standards and specifications on program and practices that benefit wildlife habitat.



1. Assists the District Board of Supervisors in gathering and assembling information for determining priorities of work and developing strategies for programs in cooperation with the Divisions of Wildlife, Forestry, Soil and Water Conservation, NRCS, other agencies, and personnel assisting the District.

2. Becomes familiar with soil and water conservation practices applied in the district.

3. Greets people and answers telephones in a courteous and businesslike manner. Takes messages for and relays messages to the proper person.

4. Answers questions and gives information on programs and services of the district.

5. Reports progress to Board and other parties as per memorandum.

6. Attends board meetings and other meetings and training as directed by the Board of Supervisors and/or District Manager.

7. Works harmoniously with fellow employees and the District Board in a continuing effort to achieve the annual and long range goals of the District.

8. The employee is responsible for making his/her own appointments and developing his/her weekly schedule in consultation with other staff.

9. Assistance will be performed in compliance with the technical standards of the Athens SWCD, ODNR, and NRCS.

10. Maintains, prepares and completes records and reports as required by the SWCD, the Ohio Soil and Water Conservation Commission, the Division of Soil and Water Conservation, Division of Wildlife, Division of Forestry, and Natural Resources Conservation Service. Prepares and maintains required forms and assists the district conservationist and soil conservationist in maintaining other work unit records. Employees will document information and assistance provided to land users in appropriate files and Beehive reporting system.

11. Organizes, participates in, and assists with District field days, tours, workshops, conservation education programs, etc.

12. Assists landowners and operators, upon request, in making application to the District Board for technical assistance.

13. Seeks financial or in-kind assistance from individuals, local businesses, conservation organizations, and agencies, and assists with writing appropriate grant applications.

14. Gathers information, takes pictures, prepares news releases, radio/T.V. programs, and newsletter articles on district activities and programs.

15. Provides technical assistance to landowners over the phone or with on-site wildlife damage inspections and provides tools necessary to solve problems.

16. Assists the DOW by investigating crop damage complaints and providing accurate information concerning type and extent of damage.

17. Works with landowners to develop a program to direct hunters to landowners with substantial crop damage.

18. Develops a database to record all landowners experiencing animal crop damage, type, species suspected, and recommended practices to reduce damage.

19. Assists City of Athens and urban landowners with wildlife related matters.

20. Work with Division of Wildlife Officer and SWCD staff in providing assistance on wildlife habitat enhancement and education, and identifying possible stream pollution problems.

21. Promote the Ohio Landowner-Hunter Access Partnership (OLHAP) program and assist landowners with implementation of this program.

22. Provide assistance with maintenance and management of ODNR, Division of Wildlife owned/operated properties.

23. Develop a water monitoring and sampling program as it relates to agricultural activities in Athens County.

24. Provide assistance with water sampling in the City of Athens.

25. Prepares management plans.

26. Assists in implementation of timber-stand improvement, thinning, and pruning practices.

27. Provides sample timber sale contracts to landowners.

28. Provides assistance with tree planting practices including recommendations for site preparation, species selection, planting methods, and plantation maintenance.

29. Locates boundaries and timber types on aerial photographs.

30. Acquires a good working knowledge of the tools and techniques of forestry planning.

31. Cooperates with Service Forester of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

32. Maintains current list of timber buyers and alternative marketing opportunities.

33. Keeps current on Best Management Practices Handbook and makes recommendations accordingly.

34. Advises landowners on Forestry Tax Laws and the Current Agricultural Use Valuation (CAUV).

35. Assists loggers in Best Management Practice implementation including layout of logging roads, landings, stream crossings, buffer areas, and seedings, and assists in completion of Ohio Timber Harvesting Planning Program Timber Harvest Notice of Intent and Timber Harvest Plans.

36. Assists land users in applying vegetative practices by giving advice and on-site assistance in the proper method of seeding and maintaining legumes and grasses such as alfalfa, brome grass and fescue; provides assistance in securing scarce seed and plants and gives advice on pasture improvements and management; advises on establishment and maintenance of meadows.

37. Assists land users with non-native invasive species identification and treatment recommendations.

38. Explains the district’s conservation programs to the public; encourage landowners and operators to become district cooperators.

39. Assists Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) with implementation of USDA Farm Bill Programs.

40. Actively participates in the safety program in the work unit and in staff conferences, training meetings and inspections.

41. Conducts the technical aspects of the pollution abatement program. Works with the Board, District Manager, and ODA-Division of Soil and Water Conservation for any assistance needed in implementation, enforcement and reporting.

42. The employee shall perform such other duties as are assigned or as judgment, necessity, or priorities may dictate from time to time.


The employee agrees that all assistance is provided without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, marital status and handicap.


Minimum qualifications are an Associate Degree in wildlife management, forest management, environmental science or related field of study. Twelve months experience in wildlife management and forest management practices is preferred. Training or experience in public relations such as speech, communications, and report writing.

Experience with wildlife management, forestry best management practices, public speaking and human wildlife conflict is necessary. Oral communication, writing skills, GIS and computer experience will also be necessary to meet the expectations.



A valid Ohio driver’s license and background check is required.


Salary range: $31,200 - $41,600

Benefits include Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Vacation and Sick Leave, Annual Gym Membership, Workers Compensation, Medicare, Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) of Ohio. Some overtime may be required. A 180 day probationary period will be in affect as set forth in the Athens SWCD Employment Policy.


How to Apply:

The position description and application are available on the Athens SWCD website – Questions may be directed to Cathy Bobo, District Manager, at 740-797-9686, ext. 6280.

Send completed application, cover letter, resume, and references postmarked by June 8, 2022 to: Athens Soil and Water Conservation District, Attn: Cathy Bobo, District Manager, 69 S Plains Road, The Plains, Ohio 45780



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