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Dr. Joe Conrad

Associate Professor of Forest Operations

I am associate professor of forest operations in the Harley Langdale Jr. Center for Forest Business at the University of Georgia. I teach classes on topics such as timber harvesting and forest measurements. My research focuses on all aspects of the wood supply chain, from harvesting through delivery to a mill. My recent research has focused on timber transportation safety and efficiency, timber harvesting productivity and cost, logging capacity, harvesting wood for energy, and wood supply chain efficiency. I earned a B.S. in forestry from The University of the South and an M.F. and Ph.D. in forest operations from Virginia Tech.

Awards, Honors and Recognitions:

2023 Southeastern Society of American Foresters Research and Development Award

2022 Regional Forester’s Award for Improving and Maintaining Desired Ecological Conditions and Restoring Health and Resiliency Across Landscapes and Watersheds

1st place winner of the 2022 FRA Southeastern Region Technical Writing Award

1st place winner of the 2021 FRA National Technical Writing Award

1st place winner of the 2021 FRA Southeastern Region Technical Writing Award

1st place winner of the 2020 FRA National Technical Writing Award

1st place winner of the 2020 FRA Southeastern Region Technical Writing Award

2nd place winner of the 2020 FRA Southeastern Region Technical Writing Award

2nd place winner of the 2019 FRA Southeastern Region Technical Writing Award

  • Ph.D. Forest Operations, Virginia Tech, 2011
  • Master of Forestry, Virginia Tech, 2010
  • B.S. Forestry, The University of the South, 2008
Selected Publications:

Conrad, J.L., IV, and P. Dwivedi. In Press. Timber procurement practices and mill-logger relationships in the US South. Forest Products Journal.

Ellis, A.M., J.L. Conrad IV, P. Dwivedi, and G.T. Green. 2025. Succession planning among logging business owners approaching retirement age in Georgia and Florida, USA. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering 46:155–164. 

Conrad, J.L., IV, and C.R. Blinn. 2024. Logging business challenges in the US South and Lake States. Journal of Forestry 122:493–504.

Ellis, A.E., J.L. Conrad IV, P. Dwivedi, and G.T. Green. 2024. Status of and challenges to the establishment and retention of young, beginning, and minority-owned logging businesses in Florida and Georgia. Journal of Forestry 122:131–139. 

Conrad, J.L., IV, W.D. Greene, and P. Hiesl. 2024. Georgia and Florida logging businesses persevere through pandemic, rising costs, and uncertainty. Forest Science 70:47–56. 

Knight, C.R.D., M.C. Bolding, J.L. Conrad IV, and S.M. Barrett. 2024. Log truck transportation challenges and innovative solutions: evaluating the perspectives of truck drivers, logging business owners, and foresters. Accepted for publication in the International Journal of Forest Engineering. 35:120–128. 

Conrad, J.L., IV. 2024. Post-harvest energy chipping feasibility in mature pine forests in the Coastal Plain of the US South. International Journal of Forest Engineering 35:80–88.

Khadka, S., P. Hiesl, N. Timilsina, D.L. Hagan, and J.L. Conrad. 2024. A pilot study of minority, beginning and young logging business owners in the Carolinas and surrounding states, USA. Journal of Forestry 122:411–516.

Conrad, J.L., IV. 2023. County transportation officials’ perceptions of timber transportation’s economic importance, infrastructure impact, and weight limits in Georgia, USA. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering 44:289–300. 

Conrad, J.L., IV. 2023. Log Truck Insurance Premiums, Claims, and Safety Practices Among Logging Businesses in the US South. International Journal of Forest Engineering 34:204–215.

Conrad, J.L., IV. 2023. Productivity and cost of post-tornado salvage logging in the Upper Coastal Plain of South Carolina, USA. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering 44:419–429. 

VanderSchaaf, C.L., J.L. Conrad IV, W. Withers, and D. Livingston. 2023. How do log truck drivers receive payment? Mississippi State University Extension P3850. 8 p. 

Conrad, J.L., IV. 2023. Timber transportation crash and vehicle defect rates in the US South. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 29:173–184.

Conrad, J.L., IV. 2022. Perceptions of Log Truck Weight Regulations Among Loggers and Forest Industry in Georgia, USA. Forest Science 68:53–62.

Conrad, J.L., IV. 2021. Log truck crashes before and after weight limit increases in North Carolina and Virginia, USA. International Journal of Forest Engineering 32:266–277.

Conrad, J.L., IV. 2021. Evaluating profitability of individual timber deliveries in the US South. Forests 12:437. 14 p. 

Conrad, J.L., IV. 2020. Would weight parity on interstate highways improve safety and efficiency of timber transportation in the US South? International Journal of Forest Engineering 31:242–252. 

Conrad, J.L., IV and P.M. Grove. 2020. Timber security practices, vulnerabilities, and challenges in the US South. Society & Natural Resources 33:842–858. 

Grove, P.M., J.L. Conrad IV, T.G. Harris Jr., and J. Dahlen. 2020. Consulting forester timber sale practices in the US South. Forest Science 66:221–229. 

Grove, P.M., J.L. Conrad IV, and J. Dahlen. 2020. Volume and value recovery comparison of processor and conventional systems in pine stands of the U.S. South. International Journal of Forest Engineering 31:29–36. 

Conrad, J.L., IV and J. Dahlen. 2019. Productivity and cost of processors in whole-tree harvesting systems in southern pine stands. Forest Science 65(6):767-775.

Conrad, J.L., IV. 2019. Analysis of timber transportation accident frequency, location, and contributing factors in Georgia, USA 2006-2016. International Journal of Forest Engineering 30(2):109-120.

Conrad, J.L., IV. 2018. Costs and challenges of log truck transportation in Georgia, USA. Forests 9:650. 14 p.

Conrad, J.L., IV, W.D. Greene, and P. Hiesl. 2018. The evolution of logging businesses in Georgia 1987-2017 and South Carolina 2012-2017. Forest Science 64(6):671-681.

Conrad, J.L., IV, W.D. Greene, and P. Hiesl. 2018. A Review of Changes in U.S. Logging Businesses 1980s-Present. Journal of Forestry 116(3):291-303.

Conrad, J.L., IV, M.C. Demchik, and M.M. Vokoun. 2018. Effects of seasonal timber harvesting restrictions on procurement practices. Forest Products Journal 68(1):43-53.

Demchik, M.C., J.L. Conrad IV, and M.M. Vokoun. 2018. Crop tree release guidelines for 71 to 94-year-old oak stands based on height and financial maturity. Journal of Forestry 116(3):217-221.

Demchik, M.C., J.L. Conrad IV, D. McFarlane, and M.M. Vokoun. 2018. Wisconsin timber sale availability as impacted by seasonal harvest restrictions. Forest Science 64(1):74-81.

Conrad, J.L., IV, M.C. Demchik, M.M. Vokoun, A.M. Evans, and M.P. Lynch. 2017. Foresters’ perceptions of the frequency, cost, and rationale for seasonal timber harvesting restrictions in Wisconsin. Forest Science 63(3):331-341.  

Conrad, J.L., IV, M.M. Vokoun, S.P. Prisley, and M.C. Bolding. 2017. Barriers to logging production and efficiency in Wisconsin. International Journal of Forest Engineering 28(1):57-65.

Demchik, M.C., J.L. Conrad IV, and M.M. Vokoun. 2016. Should unthinned oak stands of advanced age (≥60 yr) be thinned? Journal of Sustainable Forestry 35(4):299-310.

Smalley, G.W., S.J. Torreano, B.H. Swinney, M.R. Fulkerson, R.W. Barry, J.L. Conrad IV, and W.H. McNab. 2016. Structure and productivity of an eastern white pine plantation on two mid-Cumberland Plateau landtypes at ages 33 and 44. USDA Forest Service e-Research Paper SRS-57. Asheville, NC. 8 p.

Conrad, J.L., IV. 2014. Adapting to a changing landscape: how Wisconsin loggers persist in an era of parcelization. Forest Products Journal 64(7/8):273-280.

Conrad, J.L., IV, M.C. Bolding, W.M. Aust, R.L. Smith, and A. Horcher. 2013. Harvesting productivity and costs when utilizing energywood from pine plantations of the southern Coastal Plain USA. Biomass and Bioenergy 52:85-95.

Conrad, J.L., IV, W.S. Ford, M.C. Groover, M.C. Bolding, and W.M. Aust. 2012. Virginia Tech forest road and bladed skid trail cost estimation method. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 36(1):26-32.

Conrad, J.L., IV, M.C. Bolding, R.L. Smith, and W.M. Aust. 2011. Wood-energy market impact on competition, procurement practices, and profitability of landowners and forest products industry in the U.S. South. Biomass and Bioenergy 35(1):280-287.

Conrad, J.L., IV and M.C. Bolding. 2011. Virginia’s woody biomass market: Opportunities and implications. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 35(2):67-72.

Conrad, J.L., IV, M.C. Bolding, W.M. Aust, and R.L. Smith. 2010. Wood-to-energy expansion, forest ownership changes, and mill closure: Consequences for U.S. South’s wood supply chain. Forest Policy and Economics 12(6):399-406. 

Area of Specialty:
Research Areas:
Research Interests:

I conduct research in forest operations with a focus on timber harvesting efficiency and delivered wood cost. The goal of my research is to generate data that will help forest managers implement their management plans efficiently and allow timber harvesting professionals to harvest and deliver timber to Georgia's forest industry at a competitive cost. Specifically, I am interested in timber harvesting pxroductivity and cost, timber transportation safety and efficiency, timber harvesting on small forest parcels, logging capacity utilization, timber procurement, and the impact of policies/restrictions/regulations on harvesting costs.


FORS 5720/7720 Forest Harvesting and Roads

FORS 4650/6650 Forestry Field Camp

FORS 4050/6050 Forest Measurements and Sampling

FORS 7980 Forestry Problems

FANR 4980 Directed Studies in Natural Resources

FANR 4502S Senior Project

FANR 3000 Field Orientation, Measurements, and Sampling in Forestry and Natural Resources


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