As a graduate student, Ashley Turner (MS ’05) cut her teeth in game management by studying red-tailed hawks inhabiting the historic quail hunting grounds of the Jones Center at Ichauway. Her first job after graduating was a good fit, managing for game populations at the sprawling W.C.… Read Article
Professor Jack May was a man of his word, with a strong desire to connect people with education. “He really saw education as the answer—everybody deserves it,” says Marianne Causey, one of the former Warnell professor’s eight children. “And, they deserve equal and good education. And I… Read Article
New UGA research could help limit damage the pigs cause
Managing the United States’ growing wild pig population has become a significant challenge over the past few decades, but new research from the University of Georgia may help landowners and government agencies fine-tune their… Read Article
Community Forestry and Arboriculture
Fisheries Science
Forest Biology
Environment and Education
Forest Business
Geospatial Information Science
Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management
Policy and Sustainability
Water and Soil Science
Wildlife Science
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