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Replacing petroleum-based aviation fuel with sustainable aviation fuel derived from a type of mustard plant can reduce carbon emissions by up to 68%, according to new research from Warnell associate professor Puneet Dwivedi.

Dwivedi led a team that estimated the break-even price… Read Article

A handful of years ago, Russell Wilson was getting ready for deer season. 

Walking through the woods near his home in Northwest Georgia, he stumbled upon a vine dripping in purple fruit. “I just started shaking the branches and I got a ton of muscadines,” said Wilson of the native… Read Article

A rare study shows how one of Georgia’s barrier islands provides a safe haven for gopher tortoises and gives researchers at the University of Georgia evidence to prove species relocation is an effective conservation tool.

Georgia’s state reptile is one of the most threatened… Read Article

High in the mountains of Colombia, a species of bear known for its black coat and cream-colored “spectacles” around its eyes builds nests in trees and forages for food.

Known as Andean bears, these animals prefer to be alone. But, as agriculture and ranching expand and encroach on their… Read Article

 Across the South, demographics are shifting—and not just in urban and suburban areas. Rural parts of the state, where forestry has long dominated and served as a leading source of jobs, is now feeling these changes.

To better understand how an aging population might influence the… Read Article

Amid the serenity of Arkansas’ Ozark Mountains, a storm is brewing.

But rather than feeding the region’s lakes and rivers, it’s thundering through forests and valleys and entangling the region’s deer population along the way. As a result, many of the region’s deer suffer from chronic… Read Article


A project to decode the genome of aspen trees has revealed a new wrinkle in how chromosomes are constructed—and it may have larger evolutionary implications, according to researchers at the University of Georgia.   Using new, high-powered sequencing and assembly technologies, Ran Zhou, a… Read Article

 The jungles of southern Mexico are a far cry from cattle ranches of the American West. And yet, when biologists head into the forests in search of lizards, they borrow a technique used by cowboys for hundreds of years: They lasso them.

While the materials (and animals) are different… Read Article

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