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Policy and Sustainability

A monarch butterfly

Our research in environmental policy and sustainability aims to understand the social and political dimensions of sustainable resource management. Faculty research includes:

  • Communities, policy, and government
  • Sustainability and smart-growth policies
  • Energy production from renewable resources
  • Forest economics and tax policies
  • Endangered species and policies


Graduate Degrees in Policy and Sustainability

Delve into law and policy issues that affect our natural world. Our students may take classes that cover a range of issues—ecotourism, sustainable development, renewable resources, endangered species and institutional effects on the environment. 

This coursework translates into careers centered on NGOs, policy development and compliance work. Our graduates work for nonprofits, policymakers and state agencies, as well as for international organizations. Employment of specialists in this area is expected to grow in the coming decade, and this degree is an excellent way to combine analytical thinking with research, computer skills, communication and a passion for natural resources.


Policy and Sustainability can be pursued as an official area of emphasis through the MS program.


For general questions about pursuing a graduate degree at Warnell, contact a member of the graduate team:

Dr. Kyle Maurice Woosnam, Graduate Coordinator
Office: 1-301A
Phone: 864-653-0167

Kate deDufour, Graduate Program Administrator
Office: 1-217
Phone: 706-542-1183

Prospective students should also contact faculty members for questions specific to this disciplinary area. Please check faculty members’ personal pages for information about their individual research interests and projects to ensure that you are contacting the most relevant ones.

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