Tourism Research Lab The UGA Tourism Research Lab employs cutting-edge research to help destinations, tourism businesses, and non-profits better understand the needs and wants of their customers, residents, and employees. Current Research Fad or Renaissance? A study on Pisgah/Nantahala Recreation Trends since COVID-19 with Dr. Gary Green and Ms. Chase Perren (M.S. student) Georgia Department of Economic Development & Tourism Visitor Information Center Survey with Dr. John Salazar, Dr. Dan Remar, Dr. John Bergstrom, Dr. Craig Landry, and Dr. Kyle Woosnam Examining Visitor Spatial and Temporal Distribution at Fort Sumter National Historic Site. National Park Service with Dr. Ryan Sharp and Dr. Kyle Woosnam Kennesaw Mountain Visitor Use Study with Dr. Kyle Woosnam and Dr. Ryan Sharp Customized Deer Management for Residential Communities with Dr. Gino D'Angelo, Amanda Van Buskirk (Ph.D. Student), and Shane Boehne (M.S. Student) The Conspicuous Consumption Posting Scale (CCPS) and its influence over Social Return with Zack Russell, Kyle Woosnam, and Keith Campbell What Drives Organizational Administration of Citizen Science? An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior and Social Exchange Theory with Amanda Van Buskirk, Charlie Killmaster, Tina Johannsen, and Gino D'Angelo Publications Boley, B., Jordan, E., Woosnam, K., Maruyama, N., Xiao, X., & Rojas, C*. (Published Online) Buttressing Social Return’s Influence on Travel Behavior. Current Issues in Tourism. Karimi, A., & Boley, B. (Accepted). Service quality assessments of cultural heritage sites by residents and tourists: Application of four complementary IPA techniques. Tourism Planning and Development. Horsley, S., Green, G., & Boley, B. (Accepted). Measuring "Iconicism" through the Iconic Species Scale. Society and Natural Resources. Accepted for publication Aug.2, 2022. Boley, B., Russell, Z.*, & Woosnam, K. (2022). Functional and Self-Congruity’s Influence on Lodging Choice: A Comparison of Franchise and Independent Accommodations. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 50, 318-326. Li, Xiangping, Boley, B., & Yang, F. (Published Online). Empowerment and its divergent influence over mass and alternative tourism: Lessons from Macao where gaming meets cultural heritage. International Journal of Tourism Research. Kline, C., Knollenberg, W., Boley, B., & Jordan, E. (Accepted). Personal factors influencing US Travelers’ sentiments toward travel policies to Cuba. Journal of Tourism Insights. Accepted for publication May 21, 2022. Pruitt*, H., Boley, B., D’Angelo, & McConnell, M. (Published Online). Importance-Likelihood Analysis of Deer Management Cooperative (DMC) Member Conservation Behaviors. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. Li, Xiangping, Boley, B., & Yang, F. (Published Online). Resident Empowerment and Support for Gaming Tourism: Comparisons of Resident Attitudes Pre- and Amid-COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. Strzelecka, M., Prince, S., & Boley, B. (Published Online). Resident Connection to Nature and Attitudes Towards Tourism: Findings from three different nature-based tourism destinations in Poland. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. Woosnam, K., Alector, M.A., Denley, T.*, Hehir, C., & Boley, B. (Published Online) Psychological antecedents of last chance tourism engagement: Considering complementary theories. Journal of Travel Research. Beall*, J. & Boley, B. (Published Online). An Ecotourist by Whose Standards? Developing and Testing the Ecotourist Identification Scale (EIS). Journal of Ecotourism. Yeager*, E., Boley, B., & Goetcheus, C. (Published Online). Conceptualizing peer-to-peer accommodations as disruptions in the urban tourism system. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. Accepted Dec. 8, 2020. Boley, B., Strzelecka, M., Yeager*, E., Ribeiro, M., Aleshinloye, K., Woosnam, K., & Mimbs, B. (2021). Measuring Place Attachment with The Abbreviated Place Attachment Scale (APAS). Journal of Environmental Psychology, 74 Rosenberger*, J.P., Boley, B.B., Edge, A.C., Yates, C.J., Miller, K.V., Osborn, D., Killmaster, C.H., Johannsen, K.L., & D’Angelo, G.J. (2021). Satisfaction of public land hunters during long-term deer population decline. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 45(4), 608-617. Aleshinloye, K., Woosnam, K., Erul, E., Suess, C., Kong, I., & Boley, B. (2021). Which construct is better at explaining residents’ involvement in tourism; emotional solidarity or empowerment?. Current Issues in Tourism. 24(23), 3372-3386. Yeager*, E., Boley, B., Welch-Divine, M., & Goetcheus, G. (2021). Peer-to-peer accommodation hosts: An identity framework. Journal of Qualitative Research in Tourism. 2(1), 20-41. Beall*, J., Boley, B., Landon, A., & Woosnam, K.M. (2021) What drives ecotourism: environmental values or symbolic conspicuous consumption? Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 29(8), 1215-1234. Harmsel*, H., Boley, B., Irwin, B., & Jennings, C. (2021). Perceived constraints and negotiations to trout fishing in Georgia based on angler specialization level. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 41(1), 115-129. Pruitt*, H., Boley, B., D’Angelo, G., & McConnell, M. (2021). Importance – Satisfaction Analysis of deer management cooperative members. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 45(1), 85-96. Boley, B. Jordan, J., & Woosnam, M. (2021). Reversed polarity items in tourism scales: Best practice or dimensional pitfall? Current Issues in Tourism, 24(4), 466-478. Boley, B., & Woosnam, K. (2021). Going Global or Going Local? Why Travelers Choose Franchise and Independent Accommodations. Journal of Travel Research, 60(2), 354-369. Knollenberg, W., Kline, C., Jordan, E., & Boley, B. (2020). Will US Travelers be Good Guests to Cuba? Examining US traveler segments’ sustainable behavior and interest in visiting Cuba. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management. 18(December), 100505, 1-11. Mimbs*, B.P., Boley, B.B., Bowker, J.M., Woosnam, K.M., & Green, G.T. (2020). Importance-performance analysis of residents and tourists' preferences for water-based recreation in the Southeastern United States. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism. 31(100324), p. 1-11 Denley*, T., Woosnam, K., Riberio, M.A., Boley, B., Hehir, C., & Abrams, J. (2020). Individuals’ intentions to engage in last chance tourism: Applying the value-belief-norm model. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28(11), 1860-1881. Yeager*, E., Boley, B. Woosnam, K. & Green, G. (2020). Modeling Residents’ Attitudes towards Short-Term Vacation Rentals. Journal of Travel Research, 59(6), 955-974. Dongoh, J., Woosnam, K. Strzelecka, M., & Boley, B. (2020). Knowledge, empowerment, and action: Testing the empowerment theory in a tourism context. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28(1), 69-85. Harmsel*, H., Boley, B., Irwin, B., & Jennings, C. (2019). An Importance-Satisfaction Analysis of Trout License Holders in Georgia. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 39: 1227-1241. Keith*, S., & Boley, B. (2019). Importance-Performance Analysis of Resident Urban Greenway Users: Findings from Three Atlanta BeltLine Neighborhoods. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 44. Boley, B. Strzelecka, M., & Woosnam, K. (2018). Resident perceptions of the economic benefits of tourism: Towards a Common Measure. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 42(8), 1295-1314. Palardy , N., Boley, B., & Johnson-Gaither, C. (2018). Resident support for urban greenways across diverse neighborhoods: Comparing two Atlanta's BeltLine segments. Landscape and Urban Planning, 180 (December), 223-233. Jordan, E., Boley, B., Knollenberg, W., & Kline, C. (2018). Predictors of intention to travel to Cuba across three time horizons: An application of the theory of planned behavior. Journal of Travel Research, 57(7), 981-993. Soulard, J., Knollenberg, W., Boley, B., Perdue, R., & McGehee, N. (2018). Social capital and destination strategic planning. Tourism Management. 69, 189-200. Boley, B., Jordan, E., Kline, C., & Knollenberg, W. (2018). Social Return and Intent to Travel. Tourism Management. 64, 119-128. Landon, A., Woosnam, K., & Boley, B. (2018). Modeling the psychological antecedents to tourists’ pro-sustainable behaviors: An application of the value-belief norm model. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26(6), 957-972. Moran**, C., Boley, B., Woosnam, K. Jordan, E., Kline, C., Knollenberg, W. (2018). The battle of the socials: Which socially symbolic factors best predict intent to travel? Tourism Management, 68, 324-327. [Research Note]. Woosnam, K., Maruyama, M., Boley, B., & Erul, E. (2018). Stereotypes and perceived solidarity in ethnic enclave tourism. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 16(2), 138-154. Fulmer*, A., Boley, B., & Green, G. (2018) Can You Hear Me Now? Using Importance-Performance Analysis to Gauge US Forest Service Employee Satisfaction with Handheld Radios. Journal of Forestry, 116(2), 133-142. Boley, B., Strzelecka, M., & Watson*, A. (2018). Place Distinctiveness, Psychological Empowerment, and Support for Tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 70, 137-139 [Research Note]. Palardy*, N., Boley, B., & Johnson-Gaither, C. (2018). Residents and Urban Trails: Modeling Support for the Atlanta Beltline. Landscape and Urban Planning. 169, 250-259. Read more about Tourism Research Lab Research Areas: Parks, Recreation, and Tourism
Post-Doctoral Associate – Sustainable Biomaterials and Bioenergy 20408 Read more about Post-Doctoral Associate – Sustainable Biomaterials and Bioenergy 20408
Lecturer or Assistant Professor of Forestry Read more about Lecturer or Assistant Professor of Forestry
Land Resource Specialist - Forest Management - Multiple Locations Read more about Land Resource Specialist - Forest Management - Multiple Locations