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Forest Business

A chipper picks up a load of wood

Our research priorities focus on issues critical to all aspects of forest business, and especially sustaining and enhancing the competitiveness of Georgia’s wood fiber supply.

This research area closely aligns with the UGA Center for Forest Business, which integrates pioneering academic research and sound financial methods to provide education and service to the forest industry, investors, and landowners throughout the world.

Learn More About the UGA Center for Forest Business

Graduate Degrees in Forest Business

Warnell’s graduate program in Forest Business combines advanced business courses and forestry work to prepare graduates for a diverse array of high-level career paths. In partnership with the Terry College of Business and other programs, Forest Business course offerings include accounting, finance, and forest business management and planning. Elective courses may be taken from a variety of MBA-level courses or courses in forest resource management.

Graduates of the Forest Business program can pursue careers in a number of fields, including consulting, lending, conservation, procurement, and economic development. Other possibilities include policy and academia.


Graduate students in the Forest Business program learn the basics of accounting and finance, and may take courses in real estate, negotiation, and supply chain management. Students pursuing a non-thesis master’s degree will be expected to obtain one or two summers of experience in land management, wood procurement, resource analysis, or other area with an established forestry company, real estate investment trust (REIT), timberland investment management organization (TIMO), state or federal agency, or forestry consultant. When a master of science or doctorate is pursued, students are expected to conduct research on forest markets, forest biometrics, forest management and planning, and other forest finance or administration topics.  

Most students in the Forest Business Management program pursue the Master of Forest Resources (MFR) degree. MS and PhD programs also are available. To pursue Forest Business as an official area of emphasis (MFR only), the following courses are required:

  Course ID Name Hours*
Required: FINA 7010 Financial Management 3
  ACCT 6000 Financial Accounting 3
  FORS 7750 Procurement and Management of Wood Fiber Supply 3
  FORS 7780 Timberland Accounting, Finance, and Taxation 3
  FORS 8010 or 8020 Forest Business Seminar/Bio-Based Economy Seminar 1-3
Choose 9 hours: FORS 6200 International Forest Business 3
  FORS 6570 Practical Wood Identification 2
  FORS 6640 Forest Inventory 3
  FORS 6650 Forestry Field Camp 4
  FORS 6710 Forest Planning 3
  FORS 7070 Forest Resource Consulting and Real Estate Practices 3
  FORS 7550 Contemporary Forest Products 3
  FORS 7630 Intensive Forest Management 3
  FORS 7650 Aerial Photogrammetry 3
  FORS 7690 Forestry GIS 3
  FORS 7710 Advanced Forest Economics 3
  FORS 7720 Forest Harvesting and Roads 3
  FORS 7760 Forest Products Marketing 3
  FORS 7790 Forest Finance Decisions 3
  FORS 7860 Resource Economics and Management 3
  FORS 7900 Forest Operations Management and Planning 3
  FORS 8020 Bio-Based Economics Seminar 1
  FANR 6810 Natural Resources Law 3
Other electives (12 hours): ACCT 6000 Financial Accounting 3
  ACCT 7600 Financial Statement Analysis 3
  FINA 6320 Financial Derivatives and Risk Management 3
  FINA 7010 Financial Management 3
  FINA 7110 Valuation 3
  FINA 7310 Investments 3
  FINA 7920 Financial Modeling 3
  FINA 7920E Financial Modeling 3
  MIST 7600 Data Management and Analytics 3
  REAL 7100 Real Estate 3
  REAL 7200 Real Estate Law 3
  REAL 7600 Real Estate Investment Analysis 3
  REAL 7830 Real Estate Finance 3







































* Total of 34 hours required for the area of emphasis.



For general questions about pursuing a graduate degree at Warnell, contact a member of the graduate team:

Dr. Jacek Siry, Graduate Coordinator
Office: 4-501
Phone: 706-542-3060

Kate deDufour, Graduate Program Administrator
Office: 1-217
Phone: 706-542-1183

Prospective students should also contact faculty members for questions specific to this disciplinary area. Please check faculty members’ personal pages for information about their individual research interests and projects to ensure that you are contacting the most relevant ones.

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