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Wildlife Sciences

Michel Kohl checks a wildlife camera

Research topics in the wildlife sciences area focus on the biological, ecological, and managerial aspects of wildlife populations. Our wildlife faculty are active in a variety of graduate teaching and research areas, including:

  • Population dynamics
  • Community ecology
  • Physiology and nutrition
  • Behavioral ecology
  • Wildlife diseases and population health
  • Habitat management
  • Nongame and endangered species
  • Urban wildlife management
  • Wildlife damage management
  • Conservation biology
  • Biometrics
  • Game management
  • Human dimensions of wildlife
  • Invasive species
  • Quantitative wildlife ecology
  • Wildlife population genetics

Graduate Degrees in Wildlife Sciences

The graduate program in wildlife sciences is designed to provide a strong background in the biological, ecological, and managerial aspects of the wildlife profession. Federal cooperative research and service units in Warnell bring additional adjunct faculty to the graduate wildlife program from the U.S. Department of Interior and U.S. Department of Agriculture. Several wildlife faculty have collaborative teaching and research relationships with other academic units on campus, such as the Odum School of Ecology, the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, and the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study at the College of Veterinary Medicine. These associations provide opportunities for interdisciplinary research projects.


Wildlife Science can be pursued under the MNR, MS, and PhD degree programs. Course requirements are at the discretion of major professors, but in general:

  • Master of Natural Resource students within the wildlife sciences area of emphasis must complete a minimum of 33 course credit hours, 12 of which must be listed with the COFA, FANR, FISH, FORS, GISC, PRTM, or WILD prefix and 9 of which must be outside the primary study area.
  • Master of Science students in wildlife sciences must complete at least 21 course credit hours, 12 of which at the graduate-only level (8000/9000) and 12 of which must be listed with the COFA, FANR, FISH, FORS, GISC, PRTM, or WILD prefix.
  • Doctor of Philosophy students in wildlife sciences must complete a minimum of 21 course credit hours, 16 of which at the graduate-only level (8000/9000) and 12 of which listed with the COFA, FANR, FISH, FORS, GISC, PRTM, or WILD prefix.



For general questions about pursuing a graduate degree at Warnell, contact a member of the graduate team:

Dr. Kyle Maurice Woosnam, Graduate Coordinator
Office: 1-301A
Phone: 864-653-0167

Kate deDufour, Graduate Program Administrator
Office: 1-217
Phone: 706-542-1183

Prospective students should also contact faculty members for questions specific to this disciplinary area. Please check faculty members’ personal pages for information about their individual research interests and projects to ensure that you are contacting the most relevant ones.

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