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A loblolly pine stand

Warnell is a leader in silviculture and forest biometrics, artificial intelligence, and remote sensing technologies. Our faculty and graduate students use new and emerging technology to develop ways of measuring and assessing our forests. This work leads to innovations in management practices, pest management, and disaster mitigation.

Areas of expertise and research include:

  • Biometrics
  • Drone technology
  • Machine learning
  • Forest products and bioenergy
  • Inventory
  • Operations
  • Planning and harvest scheduling
  • Policy
  • Silviculture
  • Sustainability analysis
  • Urban forestry

Graduate Degrees in Forestry

Warnell’s Forestry program combines the principles of ecology, silviculture, mensuration, economics, finance, statistics, and operations research in the decision-making process aimed at achieving the goals and objectives of the forest landowner. In particular, students may focus on GIS/remote sensing, forest inventory and assessment, harvest scheduling methodologies, and artificial intelligence technologies involving LiDAR, satellite imagery, and drone technology.

Through these advanced technologies and methods, our research improves understanding of the growth and development of forest populations and communities. Our graduates are in high demand across a range of forest-related industries.


Program requirements or equivalent which must be completed before or during the MFR program:

  Course ID Name Hours
Required: FORS 3010/L Dendrology 3
  FARN 3200W/L Ecology of Natural Resources 4
  FORS 6010/L Silviculture 4
  FORS 6610/L Forest Mensuration 4
  FORS 6620 Timber Management 4









For general questions about pursuing a graduate degree at Warnell, contact a member of the graduate team:

Dr. Kyle Maurice Woosnam, Graduate Coordinator
Office: 1-301A
Phone: 864-653-0167

Kate deDufour, Graduate Program Administrator
Office: 1-217
Phone: 706-542-1183

Prospective students should also contact faculty members for questions specific to this disciplinary area. Please check faculty members’ personal pages for information about their individual research interests and projects to ensure that you are contacting the most relevant ones.

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Current Research Areas

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- Environmental effects of insecticide use in forests

- Hemlock woolly adelgid

- Aquatic insects





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